dracula / logseq

🧛🏻‍♂️ Dark theme for Logseq
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Horizontal Rule is barely visible #25

Closed cballenar closed 1 month ago

cballenar commented 1 month ago

The horizontal rule (---) is barely visible.

Screenshot 2024-05-27 at 12 49 20 PM

I'm not sure if this one should be the same as the horizontal rule that divides journals, it's hard to make it less subtle without losing completely again. Plus, it is more slightly narrow than the journal hr.

cballenar commented 1 month ago

I'm having a hard time figuring out where it's inheriting its value from.

we've got the following getting applied:

:root {
  --comment: #6272a4;
html[data-theme="dark"] {
  --ls-border-color: var(--comment);

Which should change the hr as well as the date border. But both of them actually have a more subtle gray color.

Alternatively... we could just patch this applying light or lighter to hr directly:

hr {
  border-color: var(--light-background);
cballenar commented 1 month ago

Nvm... I see that this is being caused by the accent color writing out the gray css variables. However I found that not setting an accent color breaks other colors anyway. I'll open up another issue for that.

cballenar commented 1 month ago

Seems related to #23