dracula / telegram

🧛🏻‍♂️ Dark theme for Telegram Desktop
MIT License
145 stars 24 forks source link

Move repo to Dracula's official org #1

Closed zenorocha closed 7 years ago

zenorocha commented 7 years ago

Hello @mazipan!

I'm the creator of Dracula color scheme. I was searching for themes created by the community and I found yours. Good job by the way!

I was wondering if you are interested in transferring this repository to the official organization (https://github.com/dracula). You'll continue maintaining this project, the only difference is that we can make it more visible and include it on the site (https://draculatheme.com).

What do you think?

mazipan commented 7 years ago

Honestly, very proud to know there is person that watching this repo. So, how do you like to transfer this repo ?

mazipan commented 7 years ago

@zenorocha maybe you can add me to that organization, so I can transfer this repository ya

zenorocha commented 7 years ago

Awesome! Just sent you an invitation, let me know when you accept it.

mazipan commented 7 years ago

I just accepted.

mazipan commented 7 years ago

Just transferred