dracula / visual-studio-code

🧛🏻‍♂️ Dark theme for Visual Studio Code
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Syntax Highlighting not working properly for JS/TS #245

Closed Fazla-GroM closed 1 week ago

Fazla-GroM commented 5 months ago

As of latest VSCode update syntax highlighting is not working properly (at least for me). Im using Dracula Pro but the same behavior can be observed on Dracula. When I switch back to default themes (dark modern, etc..) everything works as expected.

VsCode info:

Version: 1.86.1
Commit: 31c37ee8f63491495ac49e43b8544550fbae4533
Date: 2024-02-07T09:08:57.920Z
Electron: 27.2.3
ElectronBuildId: 26495564
Chromium: 118.0.5993.159
Node.js: 18.17.1
OS: Darwin arm64 23.3.0

Dracula version(not pro) v2.24.3

VSCode settings

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    "explorer.confirmDragAndDrop": false

Dracula screenshot

Screenshot 2024-02-10 at 10 42 56

Dark modern provided by vsCode

Screenshot 2024-02-10 at 10 43 52
GabrielDokov commented 5 months ago

Have the same problem, just stop working properly

dsifford commented 5 months ago

Not sure I understand the issue here. What is specifically broken? The highlighting in the hover window?

Have you both tried disabling all your other extensions first to see if there's not a conflict? I'm not seeing any issues on my end.

GabrielDokov commented 5 months ago

Thank you for your fast response. The problem is when you declare a variable like const text = "something", the name of the variable (text), stay white, later it was blue, also {children} in above example (Dracula screenshot) needs to be highlighted

GabrielDokov commented 5 months ago


The places where i put arrows needs to be highlighted, but they stayed white. It worked perfectly 3 days ago

dsifford commented 5 months ago

Looks like you might have disabled semantic highlighting. Can you check that setting to see if it is indeed enabled or not?

GabrielDokov commented 5 months ago

Semantic highliting is on i change it to true and to configuredByTheme but the problem stays.Upload images to see that everything is ok, it worked 2 days ago and just stop without changing settings. @dsifford collaspsed, setCollapsed, navigate and menuItems needs to be highlighted image image image image

Fazla-GroM commented 5 months ago

@GabrielDokov explained everything. I also experimented with semantic highlighting on/off and it didnt change anything

GabrielDokov commented 5 months ago

@Fazla-GroM, @dsifford maybe the problem comes from update of the VScode i don't know but stopped working . I have been using Dracula for 3-4 years and i have no problems since this

Fazla-GroM commented 5 months ago

@Fazla-GroM, @dsifford maybe the problem comes from update of the VScode i don't know but stopped working . I have been using Dracula for 3-4 years and i have no problems since this

Yeah me too. I went through vsCode issues yesterday but couldn't find anything similar 🤷

Fazla-GroM commented 5 months ago

Also it looks generics are broken also. If i remember correctly SomeGeneric and OtherType should also be of that light blue color.

Screenshot 2024-02-13 at 10 30 46

Hover window highlighting also isnt working at all

dsifford commented 5 months ago

I cannot reproduce this on the latest (non-insiders) build of vscode on my machine. Can both of you confirm what OS you are running and also please disable all other extensions and make sure it is not a confict between extensions.

GabrielDokov commented 5 months ago

Fix it , i disable 3 or 4 extensions and it goes like it was @dsifford . Thank you for your fast response, you are amazing! Thank you again. For the OS, using Windows 11 Pro

dsifford commented 5 months ago

Glad to hear. Any idea what extension this was so that others might be able to verify on their end?

GabrielDokov commented 5 months ago

Disable Astro , Auto Rename Tag and, Ayu, I think the problem comes from Astro Extension

Fazla-GroM commented 5 months ago

Yep can confirm disabling all extensions and then reenabling them again fixed the issue. I don't have many extensions except the classic ones (prettier,eslint,copilot..). The only one that could mess with syntax is Astro.

Fun fact is that i can't reproduce it again 🤣

GabrielDokov commented 5 months ago

We can now enjoy Dracula again 🥳

Fazla-GroM commented 5 months ago

Hover highlight is still not working for me though. Everything else is fine. It can be observed on photos i posted.

lvzhenbo commented 4 months ago

I deleted the comment earlier, and now I've confirmed a few things vue plugin updates are causing the syntax highlighting to be unstable 动画 (0)

luxonauta commented 1 week ago
