dracula / zsh

🧛🏻‍♂️ Dark theme for ZSH
MIT License
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Sourcing /lib/async.zsh fails on nixOS #60

Open matthiasdv opened 4 months ago

matthiasdv commented 4 months ago

I just tried installing this theme on a nixOS install. When i run zsh I get:

/home/<user>/.config/oh-my-zsh/themes/dracula.zsh-theme:source:16: no such file or directory: /nix/store/lib/async.zsh

I think this is caused by .zshrc and dracula.zsh-theme being symlinks to a directory that's owned by root. /nix/store in this case.

I solved this by changing this line:



source ${ZSH_CUSTOM}/themes/lib/async.zsh