dragino / LoRa_STM32

Source code for Dragino LoRa module base on STM32 Chip
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Developments for new sensors #15

Open jajberni opened 3 years ago

jajberni commented 3 years ago

I have implemented the drivers for the Melexis IR sensor MLX90614:


At the moment, if detected, it is reported instead of the SHT Air Temperature and Humidity.

Are there any guidelines or protocols for new sensor developments?

Also, I am sure that the repository is out of sync with the current Firmware Version from Dragino (2021-03-02) while the latest commit is from Nov 2020.

NewHopeApiary commented 2 years ago

I'd love to see a way to attach a sound sensors.

DominusFulguris commented 2 years ago

What type of sound sensor?

If it is just a sound activated switch sensor, it would just substitute for a simple button input.

NewHopeApiary commented 2 years ago

What type of sound sensor?

If it is just a sound activated switch sensor, it would just substitute for a simple button input.

I'd like to measure the sound level (db). I don't know if something like this could be attached to one of the ADC inputs or not.


PS - I'd really like to be able to measure frequency.. but I think that would take a different type of interface.

darkoj416 commented 2 years ago

I have several LSN50 v1 and v2s, used previously with water level sensors (ADC). I would like to switch to ST's VL6180x (IIC) sensors, and I would appreciate any help on this.