dragino / TrackerD

For Dragino TrackerD, which support GPS+WiFi+BLE+TEMP+HUM+ motion
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Uplink payload encoding - encoded SSID name is incorrect #14

Open bienvuinfo opened 1 year ago

bienvuinfo commented 1 year ago

TrackerD v1.4.4

The real SSID is SEBWIFI2

The uplink payload is "uplink_message": { "session_key_id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "f_port": 8, "f_cnt": 2, "frm_payload": "QldJRkkyxg+iIA==", "decoded_payload": { "ALARM_status": "FALSE", "BatV": 4.002, "LON": "ON", "MD": 0, "RSSI": -58, "WIFISSID": "BWIFI2" }, Decoding the frm_payload "QldJRkkyxg+iIA==" to HEX gives 42 57 49 46 49 32 c6 0f a2 20

The last 4 bytes are odd .

Probabely a problem with the pointer referencing the SSID variable

namejinnameyuan commented 1 year ago

We only take the last 6 digits of wifi ssid