dragino / TrackerD

For Dragino TrackerD, which support GPS+WiFi+BLE+TEMP+HUM+ motion
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EEPROM class size argument #19

Closed c08oliverbrian closed 1 year ago

c08oliverbrian commented 1 year ago

TrackerD file does not pass a size for EEPROM in common.cpp, cannot call this function without. The matchin class call should be

EEPROMClass(const char* name, uint32_t user_defined_size);

so these throw error EEPROMClass KEY("eeprom0"); EEPROMClass DATA("eeprom1"); EEPROMClass GPSDATA("eeprom2");

c08oliverbrian commented 1 year ago

chaaging to this allowed compilation in Arduino IDE EEPROMClass KEY("eeprom0", EEPROM_KEY_SIZE); EEPROMClass DATA("eeprom1", EEPROM_DATA_SIZE); EEPROMClass GPSDATA("eeprom2", EEPROM_GPSDATA_SIZE);