dragino / TrackerD

For Dragino TrackerD, which support GPS+WiFi+BLE+TEMP+HUM+ motion
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Fix platformio config and apply SPI patches for build to work #9

Closed Aciid closed 1 year ago

Aciid commented 1 year ago

Overview of changes to make platformio working:

apply_patches.py Script to automatically patch pins_arduino.h when build. Described in platformio.ini

pico32_dragino_trackerd.patch Diff file for patch command

pins_arduino.h Pins according to your wiki for TrackerD, file for offline reference.

platformio.ini Changes to make examples/TrackerD build and upload correctly with platformio. Sometimes the build process excepts on error, when files are built in wrong order. When this happens run Build again.

Add project to platformio from projects -> add existing Browse to Example/LoRaWAN Click Open "LoRaWAN"

I have verified these changes to be working and using them at the moment for development. Platformio is easier to edit large projects than Arduino IDE in my opinion.

Thanks for the great product, hopefully able to help with development have few uses for this product.

Aciid commented 1 year ago

Proably need to fix more bugs too, can this pull request be open