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Slur filter #12

Open EternalWill43 opened 1 month ago

EternalWill43 commented 1 month ago

We should potentially add some automatic moderation for certain words. Both in usernames, thread titles/content, and reply content.

Options are to preserve the words internally in the DB and turn the bad words into stars when posting on the site like "wow that ****ing sucks", but for whatever words we want to filter.

We could also just not allow certain words at all and reject the content with an error, and potentially track how many times someone violates these things before deciding if we should ban.

joshuawn commented 1 month ago

Honestly, given how the RGL forums and teamfortress.tv have historically operated, this is low priority -- we just need proactive moderation. We don't necessarily want to censor anything if it's provided as evidence or being discussed in good faith.

It would be good, however, to be able to track when these slurs are used & notify us via Discord, email, and/or on as events on an admin/moderator dashboard to help aggregate where offenses could occur & identify them (i.e. either on page load or reactively, a moderator would get events that they can either navigate to, or they can "mark as read"). As such, it would be nice to let moderators manually take action (censor) on slurs in someone's username or with their team names, and moderators should be allowed to edit posts on the forum to override what someone said (with a notification that the post was "Last edited by X user on TIMESTAMP"). In tandem with the moderation/admin panel, they should be able to add what words to monitor without having to push words onto a file or manually with a DB query.