dragoispas / Makro-New

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Implement UI support for custom time fields on Food Entries when logging into the diary #5

Open andrei-pham opened 1 year ago

andrei-pham commented 1 year ago
  1. Allow users to submit a time when logging a food entry. Maybe use the MUI time picker. Should be optional, non-invasive. (if not present, BE will assume the current time of logging is the actual time of "consumption")
  2. When displaying all food entries of a day in the diary, the UI should group all food entries by their time.
    1. This grouping should be dynamic based on a static threshold of say "30 mins". Starting from the first item, any subsequent item that's within 30 mins of it will be grouped along with the first item -- at which point the sequence resets and the same happens for the rest of the day, if there are any more items. The group "title" will be the first item's consumption time.