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Dragon Research Labs rpki.net RPKI toolkit
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A lot of problems with rpki #303

Closed sraustein closed 11 years ago

sraustein commented 12 years ago


i'm a newbie at rpki, but I must deploy rpki for securing a tree of IP addresses.

For the last 2 weeks I've tried a lot of things with rpki, but none seems to work.

So the problems are:

1) I've tried to register on your site[1] to register a new ticket, but the registration page gives this error when I try to create a new account:

Trac detected an internal error: IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ' '

Because I can't create a new ticket, I send you a mail with my problems.

2) I've tried to install rpki web interface. For this I've installed django 1.3.1, but when I try to open this interface, there is an error message: "(1146, "Table 'irdbd.django_session' doesn't exist")". I've followed all the steps from your documentation. Also I've tried to run:

octavian@omu:~/rpki/trunk/rpkid/rpki$ django-admin --pythonpath=/usr/local/etc/rpki --settings=settings Unknown command: '--pythonpath=/usr/local/etc/rpki' Type 'django-admin help' for usage.

3) I've tried to run from command line. I wanted to replay the scenario from yamltest, with a RIR, a R0 and two users, Alice and Bob. The config files are taken from yamltest.dir. I've followed all the steps from your documentation, all things are good, except the fact that

rpkic -i RIR initialize (RIR runs the rootd), doesn't create RIR.RIR.repository-request.xml, with in your documentation it is suppose to create.

I've wanted to create by hand, running configure_child, configure_parent, configure_publication_client, but it the end running

rpkic -i RIR -c rpki.conf configure_repository RIR.repository-response.xml

gives the following error message: DoesNotExist: Repository matching query does not exist.

All the other configure_repository ( for Alice, Bob and R0 are working)

I've attached to you all 4 config files for Alice, Bob, R0 and RIR.

Hoping that some things will hopefully get to work,

Thank you,


Octavian Rinciog





Trac ticket #287 component gui priority minor, owner melkins, created by octavian.rinciog@gmail.com on 2012-08-30T16:52:15Z, last modified 2012-11-13T22:31:46Z

sraustein commented 12 years ago

Alice.rpki.conf Added by email2trac Trac attachment by octavian.rinciog@gmail.com on 2012-10-15T14:02:20Z

sraustein commented 12 years ago

Bob.rpki.conf Added by email2trac Trac attachment by octavian.rinciog@gmail.com on 2012-10-15T14:02:20Z

sraustein commented 12 years ago

R0.rpki.conf Added by email2trac Trac attachment by octavian.rinciog@gmail.com on 2012-10-15T14:02:20Z

sraustein commented 12 years ago

RIR.rpki.conf Added by email2trac Trac attachment by octavian.rinciog@gmail.com on 2012-10-15T14:02:20Z

sraustein commented 12 years ago

[I assigned this ticket to Michael because it includes a GUI question I don't know how to answer -- really covers several different components]

1) I've tried to register on your site[1] to register a new ticket, but the registration page gives this error when I try to create a new account:

Trac detected an internal error: IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ' '

Sorry about that. Should be fixed now. Package update of Trac Account Manager since the last time anybody tried to create an account. The update quietly changed the name of the variable in trac.ini which tells the account manager where to find the password file, with the result that the upgraded account manager couldn't find the password file, thus couldn't create accounts.

Because I can't create a new ticket, I send you a mail with my problems.

Reasonable choice under the circumstances. I've forwarded your message into the ticket system.

2) I've tried to install rpki web interface. For this I've installed django 1.3.1, but when I try to open this interface, there is an error message: "(1146, "Table 'irdbd.django_session' doesn't exist")". I've followed all the steps from your documentation. Also I've tried to run:

octavian@omu:~/rpki/trunk/rpkid/rpki$ django-admin --pythonpath=/usr/local/etc/rpki --settings=settings Unknown command: '--pythonpath=/usr/local/etc/rpki' Type 'django-admin help' for usage.

Left for Michael.

3) I've tried to run from command line. I wanted to replay the scenario from yamltest, with a RIR, a R0 and two users, Alice and Bob. The config files are taken from yamltest.dir. I've followed all the steps from your documentation, all things are good, except the fact that

rpkic -i RIR initialize (RIR runs the rootd), doesn't create RIR.RIR.repository-request.xml, with in your documentation it is suppose to create.

If you're using the same directory structure as yamltest does, it would be writing to yamltest.dir/RIR/RIR.RIR.repository-request.xml. You might want to confirm that you're looking in the right directory.

I've wanted to create by hand, running configure_child, configure_parent, configure_publication_client, but it the end running

rpkic -i RIR -c rpki.conf configure_repository RIR.repository-response.xml

gives the following error message: DoesNotExist: Repository matching query does not exist.

The configure_child / configure_parent steps don't work when the parent is rootd. This is why initialize writes the repository request directly.

Trac comment by sra on 2012-08-30T17:09:10Z

sraustein commented 12 years ago

Replying to [ticket:287 octavian.rinciog@…]:

2) I've tried to install rpki web interface. For this I've installed django 1.3.1, but when I try to open this interface, there is an error message: "(1146, "Table 'irdbd.django_session' doesn't exist")". I've followed all the steps from your documentation. Also I've tried to run:

octavian@omu:~/rpki/trunk/rpkid/rpki$ django-admin --pythonpath=/usr/local/etc/rpki --settings=settings Unknown command: '--pythonpath=/usr/local/etc/rpki' Type 'django-admin help' for usage.

I suspect the problem is that the SQL tables used by the web portal were not created. django-admin requires a subcommand, and in this case you want to use syncdb, like so:

django-admin syncdb --settings=settings --pythonpath=/usr/local/etc/rpki

This command will create the tables required by the web portal. Note that it assumes that you have already created the database irdbd, which is done in the step of configuring rpkid.

Trac comment by melkins on 2012-08-30T22:55:38Z

sraustein commented 12 years ago

2012/8/30 Trac Ticket System tickets@trac.rpki.net:

287: A lot of problems with rpki

---------------------------------+--------------------- Reporter: octavian.rinciog@… | Owner: melkins Type: defect | Status: new Priority: minor | Component: gui Resolution: | Keywords: ---------------------------------+---------------------

Comment (by sra):

[I assigned this ticket to Michael because it includes a GUI question I don't know how to answer -- really covers several different components]

1) I've tried to register on your site[1] to register a new ticket, but the registration page gives this error when I try to create a new account:

Trac detected an internal error: IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ' '

Sorry about that. Should be fixed now. Package update of Trac Account Manager since the last time anybody tried to create an account. The update quietly changed the name of the variable in trac.ini which tells the account manager where to find the password file, with the result that the upgraded account manager couldn't find the password file, thus couldn't create accounts.

Because I can't create a new ticket, I send you a mail with my problems.

Reasonable choice under the circumstances. I've forwarded your message into the ticket system.

2) I've tried to install rpki web interface. For this I've installed django 1.3.1, but when I try to open this interface, there is an error message: "(1146, "Table 'irdbd.django_session' doesn't exist")". I've followed all the steps from your documentation. Also I've tried to run:

octavian@omu:~/rpki/trunk/rpkid/rpki$ django-admin --pythonpath=/usr/local/etc/rpki --settings=settings Unknown command: '--pythonpath=/usr/local/etc/rpki' Type 'django-admin help' for usage.

Left for Michael.

3) I've tried to run from command line. I wanted to replay the scenario from yamltest, with a RIR, a R0 and two users, Alice and Bob. The config files are taken from yamltest.dir. I've followed all the steps from your documentation, all things are good, except the fact that

rpkic -i RIR initialize (RIR runs the rootd), doesn't create RIR.RIR.repository-request.xml, with in your documentation it is suppose to create.

If you're using the same directory structure as yamltest does, it would be writing to yamltest.dir/RIR/RIR.RIR.repository-request.xml. You might want to confirm that you're looking in the right directory.

Yes, I'm looking in the right folder.

octavian@omu:~/rpki_test/RIR$ ls old rpki.conf

octavian@omu:~/rpki_test/RIR$ rpkic -i RIR -c rpki.conf initialize

octavian@omu:~/rpki_test/RIR$ ls ca.cer child.cer irdbd.cer pubd.cer RIR.identity.xml rootd.key rpkid.cer ca.crl irbe.cer old pubd.key rootd.cer rpki.conf rpkid.key

RIR.RIR.repository-request.xml. is not created by initialize.

I've wanted to create by hand, running configure_child, configure_parent, configure_publication_client, but it the end running

rpkic -i RIR -c rpki.conf configure_repository RIR.repository- response.xml

gives the following error message: DoesNotExist: Repository matching query does not exist.

The configure_child / configure_parent steps don't work when the parent is rootd. This is why initialize writes the repository request directly.

Ticket URL: https://trac.rpki.net/ticket/287#comment:5 RPKI project tracker https://trac.rpki.net/ Tracker for RPKI project

Octavian Rinciog

Trac comment by banuj on 2012-09-03T15:48:43Z

sraustein commented 12 years ago

2012/8/31 Trac Ticket System tickets@trac.rpki.net:

287: A lot of problems with rpki

---------------------------------+---------------------- Reporter: octavian.rinciog@… | Owner: melkins Type: defect | Status: accepted Priority: minor | Component: gui Resolution: | Keywords: Blocked By: | Blocking: ---------------------------------+---------------------- Changes (by melkins):

  • status: new => accepted


Replying to [ticket:287 octavian.rinciog@…]:

 django-admin syncdb --settings=settings


Now, I'm able to enter to portal, but the following error shows: "Your account does not have permission to manage any resource handles on this server. Please contact your portal-gui operator."

I've done all the steps from

https://trac.rpki.net/wiki/doc/RPKI/Installation https://trac.rpki.net/wiki/doc/RPKI/CA

Octavian Rinciog

Trac comment by banuj on 2012-09-04T13:09:00Z

sraustein commented 12 years ago

3) I've tried to run from command line. I wanted to replay the scenario from yamltest, with a RIR, a R0 and two users, Alice and Bob. The config files are taken from yamltest.dir. I've followed all the steps from your documentation, all things are good, except the fact that

rpkic -i RIR initialize (RIR runs the rootd), doesn't create RIR.RIR.repository-request.xml, with in your documentation it is suppose to create.

If you're using the same directory structure as yamltest does, it would be writing to yamltest.dir/RIR/RIR.RIR.repository-request.xml. You might want to confirm that you're looking in the right directory.

Yes, I'm looking in the right folder.

Then I'd need to see a transcript of everything you type for this and everything rpkic says in response. Run all of this under "screen -L" or something.

As far as I know there's no way for "rpkic initialize" to run without either writing out that file (and telling you where it wrote it) or throwing an exception. Not saying you're wrong, just that I can't reconcile what you're reporting with how the program normally behaves, so I need more data to figure out what's going on here.

Trac comment by sra on 2012-09-04T15:06:49Z

sraustein commented 12 years ago

Replying to [comment:8 banuj]:

Now, I'm able to enter to portal, but the following error shows: "Your account does not have permission to manage any resource handles on this server. Please contact your portal-gui operator."

Did you log into the web portal with the superuser account you created?

If so, that means that rpkic initialiaze has not been completed for any resource handles. Once that step is completed, they should show up in the web portal automatically.

You can verify what handles exist in your database by doing the following:

# django-admin dbshell --settings=settings --pythonpath=/usr/local/etc/rpki
mysql> select handle from irdb_resourceholderca;

Trac comment by melkins on 2012-09-07T15:59:28Z

sraustein commented 12 years ago

Hi Octavian, I was just wondering if you were able to get your setup working? If so, I'll go ahead and close this bug report.


Trac comment by melkins on 2012-10-05T18:00:11Z

sraustein commented 12 years ago

It's all up and running. Thank you for support.

2012/10/5 Trac Ticket System tickets@trac.rpki.net:

287: A lot of problems with rpki

---------------------------------+---------------------- Reporter: octavian.rinciog@… | Owner: melkins Type: defect | Status: accepted Priority: minor | Component: gui Resolution: | Keywords: Blocked By: | Blocking: ---------------------------------+----------------------

Comment (by melkins):

Hi Octavian, I was just wondering if you were able to get your setup working? If so, I'll go ahead and close this bug report.


Ticket URL: https://trac.rpki.net/ticket/287#comment:11 RPKI project tracker https://trac.rpki.net/ Tracker for RPKI project

Octavian Rinciog

Trac comment by banuj on 2012-10-15T14:02:20Z

sraustein commented 11 years ago

Closed with resolution fixed