dragonresearch / rpki.net

Dragon Research Labs rpki.net RPKI toolkit
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operator ca.rg.net:/root/CA-data# rpkic - ServerCA matching query does not exist #824

Closed sraustein closed 8 years ago

sraustein commented 8 years ago


{{{ ca.rg.net:/root/CA-data# rpkic configure_parent issuer-identity-20160513.xml Parent calls itself '3336711f-25e1-4b5c-9748-e6c58bef82a5', we call it '3336711f-25e1-4b5c-9748-e6c58bef82a5' Parent calls us 'f1400649-ab90-4332-b7e3-3da6b7e44cdb' Wrote /root/CA-data/RGnet.3336711f-25e1-4b5c-9748-e6c58bef82a5.repository-request.xml This is the file to send to the repository operator ca.rg.net:/root/CA-data# rpkic configure_publication_client RGnet.3336711f-25e1-4b5c-9748-e6c58bef82a5.repository-request.xml This might be an offer, checking We don't host this client's parent, so we didn't make an offer Don't know where else to nest this client, so defaulting to top-level Client calls itself 'RGnet', we call it 'RGnet' Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/sbin/rpkic", line 57, in rpki.rpkic.main() File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/rpki/rpkic.py", line 129, in init self.main(args) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/rpki/rpkic.py", line 136, in main args.func(self, args) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/rpki/rpkic.py", line 498, in do_configure_publication_client r, client_handle = self.zoo.configure_publication_client(f, args.sia_base, args.flat) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/utils/decorators.py", line 145, in inner return func(_args, _kwargs) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/rpki/irdb/zookeeper.py", line 808, in configure_publication_client issuer = self.server_ca, File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/rpki/irdb/zookeeper.py", line 282, in server_ca return rpki.irdb.models.ServerCA.objects.get() File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/db/models/manager.py", line 127, in manager_method return getattr(self.get_queryset(), name)(_args, _kwargs) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/db/models/query.py", line 334, in get self.model._meta.object_name rpki.irdb.models.DoesNotExist: ServerCA matching query does not exist. }}}

Trac ticket #818 component rpkid priority blocker, owner None, created by randy on 2016-05-13T14:53:05Z, last modified 2016-08-05T15:27:31Z

sraustein commented 8 years ago

{{{ From: Oleg Muravskiy oleg@ripe.net Subject: Re: [Track-RPKI] #818: operator ca.rg.net:/root/CA-data# rpkic - ServerCA matching query does not exist To: Randy Bush randy@psg.com Date: Fri, 13 May 2016 17:07:46 +0200

We also have an exception on our side, looking into it… }}}

Trac comment by randy on 2016-05-13T15:14:18Z

sraustein commented 8 years ago

{{{ ca.rg.net:/root/CA-data# cat RGnet.3336711f-25e1-4b5c-9748-e6c58bef82a5.repository-request.xml

MIIC7zCCAdegAwIBAgIBATANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADAhMR8wHQYDVQQDExZSR25l dCBCUEtJIHJlc291cmNlIENBMB4XDTE2MDUxMzE0MDcxMVoXDTI2MDUxMzE0MDcx MVowITEfMB0GA1UEAxMWUkduZXQgQlBLSSByZXNvdXJjZSBDQTCCASIwDQYJKoZI hvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBAN6ra+41eUKbF81dDlywgNQ/ZCMe8DQ2PMOa P7dUMVeG1sJ/ng+D+fm9q+MinIMHylvqjipj+S82KdmhLMVukeo8wYDA+AH6wi3L v4O2LhfbZTDOTPrOvRiqndsobMxlzQdvsYmVbroi+D7keEmEs71WCjR2uPVxCW6d S+35DFzvFJYeP+5BU1Xe0i2YBQHaY0FN5i2k0x/ek8YMueuGXzI2HXf2IQE5BNBe jbwPDgirztI9DUEMnXDV74QZS5gpTZ5wmtjfSWvscj626+0Dz/h6tHxSpoHCCIv3 njM8FwZx5qDZvQqNyd9r8mk6aZvYorWXYTbns06IFZImw4xK1RUCAwEAAaMyMDAw HQYDVR0OBBYEFHqtXX94QDaenX0uHIiLx14u/lRtMA8GA1UdEwEB/wQFMAMBAf8w DQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADggEBAEyovILIBuaJwcoWH9PTAe8mXTCep8J/gjyNxqBI ti+uKkIr6W+pmpcFEYRehTcHX8aLnh2disNvBpORS+BZqqo/0rwz1yjeQwlnespG ED2qLIwgSlIgBGzaVU9tYvna1xVXWOOZD1t9qIeAdEvzWmYuSiVo87tPjKK4upcT /Hd8wDXL1CIY3BFA05SaBOl+GfNLeas9rYHrbfQiz5jIRHJ0dRn/Xjz52/A65xwL kRh8RlTA/Wc+3iBEEiMBdtTgyqq/ZoaHldWufWsLGmBT14RZwiNAbmiv+lQuYZTJ 0dIOkl6Alf1tNVWDPxYYHVXeJT/jZTDnelZW6+ZYboojCAk=


fwiw, did not end with a line end

Trac comment by randy on 2016-05-13T15:29:51Z

sraustein commented 8 years ago

That exception says you're trying to use an uninitialized database, one that has not had rpkic initialize_server_bpki run on it. Given that the installation process runs that command, this is weird, to put it mildly.

Is this an up-to-date tk705 installation? Is it an upgraded copy of an older tk705 installation, and, if so, did you check for errors while updating? You may recall that there was an incompatible schema change a few weeks ago (getting rid of rpki.irdb.models.Turtle), this might have caused problems; I would have expected the upgrade process to explode if that were the case, but maybe Django found some new and interesting way to break instead.

Newline at the end of XML is essentially meaningless. In some cases we add one manually to avoid disturbing human beings, but the encoder itself usually doesn't bother.

Trac comment by sra on 2016-05-13T15:33:57Z

sraustein commented 8 years ago

this is a fresh purge install

i did go through the

{{{ apt-get purge rpki-ca rpki-rp apt-get install rpki-rp rpki-ca systemctl stop rpki-ca rm -rf /usr/share/rpki/.{tal,cer} /usr/share/rpki/publication/ /usr/share/rpki/rrdp-publication/* /var/log/rpki/* rpki-sql-setup --postgresql-root-username postgres drop install -d -o rpki -g rpki /var/run/rpki /var/log/rpki /usr/share/rpki/publication /usr/share/rpki/rrdp-publication rpki-sql-setup --postgresql-root-username postgres create sudo -u rpki rpki-manage migrate rpkidb --settings rpki.django_settings.rpkid --no-color sudo -u rpki rpki-manage migrate pubdb --settings rpki.django_settings.pubd --no-color sudo -u rpki rpki-manage migrate irdb --settings rpki.django_settings.irdb --no-color sudo -u rpki rpki-manage migrate --settings rpki.django_settings.gui --no-color }}}

Trac comment by randy on 2016-05-13T15:36:22Z

sraustein commented 8 years ago

Ah, if you did all that but did not do rpkic initialize_server_bpki, that could explain the error.

Not even going to ask why you thought manually whacking and partially rebuilding the database on ca0.rpki.net would be a good idea.

Trac comment by sra on 2016-05-13T15:59:15Z

sraustein commented 8 years ago

Ah, if you did all that but did not do rpkic initialize_server_bpki, that could explain the error.

ok, will try. that was not in your recipe i copied. which could explain some things.

Not even going to ask why you thought manually whacking and partially rebuilding the database on ca0.rpki.net would be a good idea.

this is ca.rg.net, child of ripe, not newca0.rpki.net (altCA to be). and i have not done anything on the real ca0.rpki.net (altCA) this year.

Trac comment by randy on 2016-05-13T16:01:59Z

sraustein commented 8 years ago

{{{ ca.rg.net:/root/CA-data# rpkic initialize_server_bpki Writing /usr/share/rpki/bpki/ca.cer Writing /usr/share/rpki/bpki/rpkid.key Writing /usr/share/rpki/bpki/rpkid.cer Writing /usr/share/rpki/bpki/irdbd.cer Writing /usr/share/rpki/bpki/irbe.cer Writing /usr/share/rpki/bpki/ca.crl Writing /usr/share/rpki/bpki/pubd.key Writing /usr/share/rpki/bpki/pubd.cer ca.rg.net:/root/CA-data# rpkic configure_publication_client RGnet.3336711f-25e1-4b5c-9748-e6c58bef82a5.repository-request.xml This might be an offer, checking We don't host this client's parent, so we didn't make an offer Don't know where else to nest this client, so defaulting to top-level Client calls itself 'RGnet', we call it 'RGnet' Wrote /root/CA-data/RGnet.repository-response.xml Send this file back to the publication client you just configured ca.rg.net:/root/CA-data# rpkic configure_repository RGnet.repository-response.xml Repository calls us 'RGnet' No explicit parent_handle given, guessing parent 3336711f-25e1-4b5c-9748-e6c58bef82a5 }}}

Trac comment by randy on 2016-05-13T16:03:54Z

sraustein commented 8 years ago

Not even going to ask why you thought manually whacking and partially rebuilding the database on ca0.rpki.net would be a good idea.

s{ca0.rpki.net}{ca.rg.net}, or whatever this one is named.

Trac comment by sra on 2016-05-13T16:03:59Z

sraustein commented 8 years ago

Ah, if you did all that but did not do rpkic initialize_server_bpki, that could explain the error.

ok, will try. that was not in your recipe i copied. which could explain some things.

The recipe you copied was for newca0.rpki.net, where you were doing horrible things with raw SQL salvaged from ca0.rpki.net and the entire point of the long command sequence by hand was to avoid running the normal BPKI setup, because the SQL you were trying to salvage includes BPKI data you wanted to salvage.

this is ca.rg.net, child of ripe, not newca0.rpki.net (altCA to be).

Yeah, figured that out.

Your naming scheme perpetually confuses me at some gut level: they're all made out of ticky-tacky, and they all sound just the same.

and i have not done anything on the real ca0.rpki.net (altCA) this year.


Trac comment by sra on 2016-05-13T16:15:06Z

sraustein commented 8 years ago

Closed with resolution invalid