dragontheory / D7460N-with-db

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Intro section: HTML/CSS only #33

Open dragontheory opened 1 year ago

dragontheory commented 1 year ago

We need an intro section as an alternative to search results as the first thing users see.

There should be an option in the ACSS to not do a search on body:init, but only when a user either types in a search or clicks a link in the intro section.

dragontheory commented 1 year ago

Added minimal intro HTML section, default .intro class to <body>, and add/remove .intro boolean CSS styles.

Test by manually removing the .intro class from <body> in the browser DEVTools.

dragontheory commented 1 year ago

Intro workflow spec:

  1. Users see intro HTML section by default. .intro class is in <body> by default.
  2. Users do a search in the search bar.
  3. Results are returned to the search results HTML section.
  4. ACSS detects <list-cell> (or whatever works best) in the search results HTML section and removes .intro class from <body>.
  5. Prestaged CSS hides intro HTML section display: none; and unhides search results HTML section display: grid;.