Update your Stage 2 progress report for the final version of your system. It should contain:
Overview of the system, including a high level overview of technologies and components.
Detailed design of the final system. Include, if relevant, supporting dataflow diagrams, UML diagrams, class diagrams, etc.
Final Interface design describing the layout and navigation of the application(s).
Describe your implementation methodology. Did you use iterations, SCRUM or other agile techniques? Provide details of what was achieved in each iteration/sprint.
Summarise how you tested the final system for technical correctness.
Documentation on how to install/setup/maintain the final system and a short user guide.
Things still to do
[x] Merge stage 1 and 2 reports
[x] Update system overview (not much to change)
[x] Update diagrams (not much to change)
[x] Update interface documentation (major)
[x] Update implementation methodology (moved more toward scrum)
Things still to do