How do you handle \Drahak\Restful\Application\BadRequestException when invalid method is used for request? It is thrown on application startup way before the presenter is loaded so i cant handle it in presenter. I tried to forward from \ErrorPresenter to my module presenter :Api:ErrorPresenter:default but the method does not get called. As a result of that I get 204 No Content response. For some reason the forwarding does not work.
How do you handle \Drahak\Restful\Application\BadRequestException when invalid method is used for request? It is thrown on application startup way before the presenter is loaded so i cant handle it in presenter. I tried to forward from \ErrorPresenter to my module presenter :Api:ErrorPresenter:default but the method does not get called. As a result of that I get 204 No Content response. For some reason the forwarding does not work.