drahnr / cargo-spellcheck

Checks all your documentation for spelling and grammar mistakes with hunspell and a nlprule based checker for grammar
Apache License 2.0
314 stars 32 forks source link

Help identifying panic: `assertion failed: plain_range.start <= plain_range.end` #318

Closed dutterbutter closed 2 months ago

dutterbutter commented 7 months ago


I am using cargo-spellcheck in my repo and with dev_comments set to true I receive this panic error:

cargo spellcheck --cfg=./spellcheck/era.cfg
The application panicked (crashed).
Message:  assertion failed: plain_range.start <= plain_range.end
Location: /Users/dustinbrickwood/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-6f17d22bba15001f/doc-chunks-0.0.5/src/markdown.rs:363

Backtrace omitted. Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display it.
Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=full to include source snippets.

When I run with -vvvvv verbosity it doesn't seem to panic but perhaps I reading it wrong? Also ran with RUST_BACKTRACE=full but no clarity on the root issue is.

Question: How can I see where in my application it is causing this panic?

To reproduce

  1. git clone git@github.com:matter-labs/zksync-era.git
  2. git checkout dutterbutter-pla-646-add-spelling-linter-for-zksync-era-core-part-2
  3. cargo spellcheck --cfg=./spellcheck/era.cfg --code 1
  4. Error result:
    The application panicked (crashed).
    Message:  assertion failed: plain_range.start <= plain_range.end
    Location: /Users/dustinbrickwood/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-6f17d22bba15001f/doc-chunks-0.0.5/src/markdown.rs:363

Backtrace omitted. Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display it. Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=full to include source snippets.

### cargo-spellcheck Config file:

  <summary>Click to view config file</summary>

Project settings where a Cargo.toml exists and is passed


Also take into account developer comments

dev_comments = true

Skip the README.md file as defined in the cargo manifest

skip_readme = false


lang and name of .dic file

lang = "en_US"

OS specific additives

Linux: [ /usr/share/myspell ]

Windows: []

macOS [ /home/alice/Libraries/hunspell, /Libraries/hunspell ]

Additional search paths, which take presedence over the default

os specific search dirs, searched in order, defaults last

search_dirs = ["."]

Adds additional dictionaries, can be specified as

absolute paths or relative in the search dirs (in this order).

Relative paths are resolved relative to the configuration file

which is used.

Refer to man 5 hunspell

or https://www.systutorials.com/docs/linux/man/4-hunspell/#lbAE

on how to define a custom dictionary file.

extra_dictionaries = ["era.dic"]

If set to true, the OS specific default search paths

are skipped and only explicitly specified ones are used.

skip_os_lookups = false

Use the builtin dictionaries if none were found in

in the configured lookup paths.

Usually combined with skip_os_lookups=true

to enforce the builtin usage for consistent

results across distributions and CI runs.

Setting this will still use the dictionaries

specified in extra_dictionaries = [..]

for topic specific lingo.

use_builtin = true


Transforms words that are provided by the tokenizer

into word fragments based on the capture groups which are to

be checked.

If no capture groups are present, the matched word is whitelisted.

transform_regex = ["^'([^\s])'$", "^[0-9]+x$"]

Accepts alphabeta variants if the checker provides a replacement suggestion

of alpha-beta.

allow_concatenation = true

And the counterpart, which accepts words with dashes, when the suggestion has

recommendations without the dashes. This is less common.

allow_dashed = false


Allows the user to override the default included

exports of LanguageTool, with other custom


override_rules = "/path/to/rules_binencoded.bin"

override_tokenizer = "/path/to/tokenizer_binencoded.bin"


Reflows doc comments to adhere to a given maximum line width limit.

max_line_length = 80



cargo spellcheck --version cargo-spellcheck 0.13.1

Any assistance here would be greatly appreciated 🙏 Thanks! 
drahnr commented 7 months ago

Could you share the repository in question with me? Otherwise I'd recommend to find the particular file in question by running spell check on each file

dutterbutter commented 7 months ago

@drahnr repo is: zksync-era

branch: dutterbutter-pla-646-add-spelling-linter-for-zksync-era-core-part-2

dutterbutter commented 7 months ago

@drahnr alright I seem to have narrowed it down but I still don't see what is causing the crash in order for me to fix it. The issue is specifically when I run:

cargo spellcheck -vvv --cfg=../../../spellcheck/era.cfg . in this directory: https://github.com/matter-labs/zksync-era/tree/main/core/lib/multivm

However, if I run cargo-spellcheck inside each of the nested directories it does not crash?

Running with -vvv I see this now:

[2023-12-06T01:54:05Z DEBUG hunspell] Errorfunctionsel --{suggest}--> ["Perfunctorily"]
[2023-12-06T01:54:05Z INFO  cargo_spellcheck::action] ✅ /Users/dustinbrickwood/Documents/dev/zk/zksync-era/core/lib/multivm/src/interface/types/errors/vm_revert_reason.rs
[2023-12-06T01:54:05Z DEBUG hunspell] stopreasonVmExec --{suggest}--> []
[2023-12-06T01:54:05Z DEBUG hunspell] Ocallstackdepth --{suggest}--> []
The application panicked (crashed).
Message:  assertion failed: plain_range.start <= plain_range.end
Location: /Users/dustinbrickwood/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-6f17d22bba15001f/doc-chunks-0.0.5/src/markdown.rs:363

Backtrace omitted. Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display it.
Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=full to include source snippets.
[2023-12-06T01:54:05Z DEBUG hunspell] VmTracer --{suggest}--> []

Again, I don't see the issue but it could be staring at me in the face.

drahnr commented 7 months ago

c4dc1e1d5b0e88cf22679aea46287b5725fcc9bc of the mentioned repo with your given command works for me using cargo-spellcheck 0.13.1 (or latest git).

I need a lot more context to dig into this. OS, version, git sha, the first lines of the cargo-spellcheck output to see your local options. Could you run with -j1.

dutterbutter commented 7 months ago

Thanks @drahnr

Relevant info:

OS: MacOs 14.1.1 (Sonoma) Git Sha: 878fd2d Cargo-spellcheck version: cargo-spellcheck 0.13.1

As soon as I run cargo spellcheck --cfg=./spellcheck/era.cfg --code 1 I receive the panic so there is no output other than the provided error message.

I will try to run on a linux machine to see if its specific to my environment.

dutterbutter commented 7 months ago

Also crashes on linux / CI :(

CI Job: https://github.com/dutterbutter/zksync-era/actions/runs/7116055857/job/19373574987?pr=2

It also seems to crash at different parts.

drahnr commented 7 months ago

Your branch does trigger it, main does not.

drahnr commented 7 months ago

~It's src/vm_instance.rs that triggers it.~

drahnr commented 7 months ago

It turns out it only happens when run with a directory as argument, not a single file, single files don't trigger it. -j1 also does not trigger it. I run it on a 64 threads machine. It doesn't popup when using -vvvvv

dutterbutter commented 7 months ago

@drahnr thanks for investigating. Truly appreciate it.

Can you elaborate on "-j1 also does not trigger it". When I run it with cargo spellcheck --cfg=./spellcheck/era.cfg --code 1 -j1 it still triggers a panic. I also tried running on 16 vCPU | 64 GB runner and it still triggered a panic.

CI reference: https://github.com/dutterbutter/zksync-era/actions/runs/7117204624/job/19377403555?pr=2 Workflow with command mentioned: https://github.com/dutterbutter/zksync-era/actions/runs/7117204624/workflow?pr=2#L25

drahnr commented 7 months ago

RUST_BACKTRACE=1 cargo-spellcheck --cfg=../../../spellcheck/era.cfg --code 1 zksync-era/core/lib/multivm/src/versions/vm_m6/tests/bootloader.rs fails reproducibly

drahnr commented 7 months ago

There is a space in line 328 in that file, after that the code is interpreted as text. Once that space is removed everything is fine. I'd recommend to comment out the mod bootloader; rather than commenting the entire file. cargo-spellcheck walks the module declration tree. However, this is not a good reason for cargo-spellcheck to crash. It should never, regardless of input.

dutterbutter commented 7 months ago

Thank you very much for your support here. Top notch for OS ❤️ Let me test on my side and then I can close accordingly.

dutterbutter commented 7 months ago

👏 Thanks! Solves the issue as you described it.

drahnr commented 7 months ago

Re-opening, it's not acceptable for cargo-spellcheck to crash and burn on a stray space.