drajer-health / eCRNow

Repository for eCRNow app.
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CDA 1.1 Encounter Type Coding (California) #534

Open rtomas-pinc opened 1 year ago

rtomas-pinc commented 1 year ago

We have received comments from the state about the Encounter Type not using the right information. They are expecting more of this format -> CDA 1.1 (Page 69?)

    <!--encounter ID-->
    <id extension="9937012" root="2.16.840.1.113883.19" />
    <!--CPT-4 E/M codes - granular-->
    <code code="99213"
        displayName="Office outpatient visit 15 minutes">
        <!--ActClassEncounterCodes - high level -->
        <translation code="AMB"
            codeSystemName="HL7 ActEncounterCode"
            displayName="Ambulatory" />

Encounter Type: You’re not using the correct value set. Please refer to the encounter type list Value Set EncounterTypeCode (art-decor.org) . The use of these codes is preferred as it allows us further specificity regarding the encounter type

nbashyam commented 1 year ago

Need to investigate further with the specs.