drakkan / sftpgo

Full-featured and highly configurable SFTP, HTTP/S, FTP/S and WebDAV server - S3, Google Cloud Storage, Azure Blob
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
9.44k stars 733 forks source link

Custom Action Hook not working[Bug]: #1711

Closed imoes closed 1 month ago

imoes commented 3 months ago

⚠️ This issue respects the following points: ⚠️

Bug description

I configured the custom hooks via the enviroment variables: SFTPGO_COMMONACTIONSEXECUTE_ON=upload SFTPGO_COMMONACTIONSHOOK="/systems/transport/bin/importer.sh" And I get following error in the Log: Jul 29 17:22:13 ftp01 sftpgo[29708]: {"level":"debug","time":"2024-07-29T17:22:13.269","sender":"FTP","message":"executed command \"/systems/transport/bin/importer.sh\", elapsed: 2.76183ms, error: "} The script is working. I already tested it.

Steps to reproduce

Just set a Custom Hook

Expected behavior

Just to execute a script.

SFTPGo version


Data provider


Installation method

Community Deb package


{ "common": { "idle_timeout": 15, "upload_mode": 0, "actions":{ "execute_on": ["upload"], "execute_sync": [], "hook": "/systems/transport/bin/importer.sh" }, "setstat_mode": 0, "rename_mode": 0, "resume_max_size": 0, "temp_path": "", "proxy_protocol": 0, "proxy_allowed": [], "proxy_skipped": [], "startup_hook": "", "post_connect_hook": "", "post_disconnect_hook": "", "data_retention_hook": "", "max_total_connections": 0, "max_per_host_connections": 20, "allowlist_status": 0, "allow_self_connections": 0, "umask": "", "server_version": "", "metadata": { "read": 0 }, "defender": { "enabled": false, "driver": "memory", "ban_time": 30, "ban_time_increment": 50, "threshold": 15, "score_invalid": 2, "score_valid": 1, "score_limit_exceeded": 3, "score_no_auth": 0, "observation_time": 30, "entries_soft_limit": 100, "entries_hard_limit": 150, "login_delay": { "success": 0, "password_failed": 1000 } }, "rate_limiters": [ { "average": 0, "period": 1000, "burst": 1, "type": 2, "protocols": [ "SSH", 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"folder_prefix": "" }, "ftpd": { "bindings": [ { "port": 21, "address": "", "apply_proxy_config": true, "tls_mode": 0, "tls_session_reuse": 0, "certificate_file": "", "certificate_key_file": "", "min_tls_version": 12, "force_passive_ip": "", "passive_ip_overrides": [], "passive_host": "", "client_auth_type": 0, "tls_cipher_suites": [], "passive_connections_security": 0, "active_connections_security": 0, "ignore_ascii_transfer_type": 0, "debug": false } ], "banner_file": "", "active_transfers_port_non_20": true, "passive_port_range": { "start": 50000, "end": 50100 }, "disable_active_mode": false, "enable_site": false, "hash_support": 0, "combine_support": 0, "certificate_file": "", "certificate_key_file": "", "ca_certificates": [], "ca_revocation_lists": [] }, "webdavd": { "bindings": [ { "port": 0, "address": "", "enable_https": false, "certificate_file": "", "certificate_key_file": "", "min_tls_version": 12, "client_auth_type": 0, "tls_cipher_suites": [], "tls_protocols": [], 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Relevant log output

{"level":"debug","time":"2024-07-29T17:31:24.900","sender":"FTP","message":"executed command \"/systems/transport/bin/importer.sh\", elapsed: 2.79015ms, error: <nil>"}

What are you using SFTPGo for?

Private user, home usecase (home backup/VPS)

Additional info

No response

drakkan commented 1 month ago

Your logs show that the script is executed