drakkan / sftpgo

Full-featured and highly configurable SFTP, HTTP/S, FTP/S and WebDAV server - S3, Google Cloud Storage, Azure Blob
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
9.28k stars 726 forks source link

[Bug]: Error conecting via FTPS with TLS #1785

Open pedroponte opened 1 day ago

pedroponte commented 1 day ago

⚠️ This issue respects the following points: ⚠️

Bug description

Whilst the normal FTP connection works, the FTP with TLS and Let's encrypt certificates is not working.

Any help would be appreciated. Many thanks

Steps to reproduce

Client connection

Screenshot 2024-10-17 at 17 21 05

Server settings

Screenshot 2024-10-17 at 17 23 15

Expected behavior

Allow connections via FTPs

SFTPGo version

SFTPGo 2.6.2 636a1c2c

Data provider


Installation method

Community Docker image


sftpgo.json config { "common": { "idle_timeout": 15, "upload_mode": 0, "actions": { "execute_on": [], "execute_sync": [], "hook": "" }, "setstat_mode": 0, "rename_mode": 0, "resume_max_size": 0, "temp_path": "", "proxy_protocol": 0, "proxy_allowed": [], "proxy_skipped": [], "startup_hook": "", "post_connect_hook": "", "post_disconnect_hook": "", "data_retention_hook": "", "max_total_connections": 0, "max_per_host_connections": 20, "allowlist_status": 0, "allow_self_connections": 0, "umask": "", "server_version": "", "metadata": { "read": 0 }, "defender": { "enabled": false, "driver": "memory", "ban_time": 30, "ban_time_increment": 50, "threshold": 15, "score_invalid": 2, "score_valid": 1, "score_limit_exceeded": 3, "score_no_auth": 0, "observation_time": 30, "entries_soft_limit": 100, "entries_hard_limit": 150, "login_delay": { "success": 0, "password_failed": 1000 } }, "rate_limiters": [ { "average": 0, "period": 1000, "burst": 1, "type": 2, "protocols": [ "SSH", "FTP", "DAV", "HTTP" ], "generate_defender_events": false, "entries_soft_limit": 100, "entries_hard_limit": 150 } ] }, "acme": { "domains": [], "email": "", "key_type": "4096", "certs_path": "certs", "ca_endpoint": "https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory", "renew_days": 30, "http01_challenge": { "port": 80, "proxy_header": "", "webroot": "" }, "tls_alpn01_challenge": { "port": 0 } }, "sftpd": { "bindings": [ { "port": 2022, "address": "", "apply_proxy_config": true } ], "max_auth_tries": 0, "host_keys": [], "host_certificates": [], "host_key_algorithms": [], "kex_algorithms": [], "min_dh_group_exchange_key_size": 2048, "ciphers": [], "macs": [], "public_key_algorithms": [], "trusted_user_ca_keys": [], "revoked_user_certs_file": "", "login_banner_file": "", "enabled_ssh_commands": [ "md5sum", "sha1sum", "sha256sum", "cd", "pwd", "scp" ], "keyboard_interactive_authentication": true, "keyboard_interactive_auth_hook": "", "password_authentication": true, "folder_prefix": "" }, "ftpd": { "bindings": [ { "port": "2121", "address": "", "apply_proxy_config": true, "tls_mode": "1", "tls_session_reuse": 0, "certificate_file": "/etc/sftpgo/certs/ftp.domain.com.crt", "certificate_key_file": "/etc/sftpgo/certs/ftp.domain.com.key", "min_tls_version": 12, "force_passive_ip": "", "passive_ip_overrides": [], "passive_host": "", "client_auth_type": 0, "tls_cipher_suites": [], "passive_connections_security": 0, "active_connections_security": 0, "ignore_ascii_transfer_type": 0, "debug": true } ], "banner_file": "", "active_transfers_port_non_20": true, "passive_port_range": { "start": 50000, "end": 50100 }, "disable_active_mode": true, "enable_site": false, "hash_support": 0, "combine_support": 0, "certificate_file": "", "certificate_key_file": "", "ca_certificates": [], "ca_revocation_lists": [] }, "webdavd": { "bindings": [ { "port": 0, "address": "", "enable_https": false, "certificate_file": "", "certificate_key_file": "", "min_tls_version": 12, "client_auth_type": 0, "tls_cipher_suites": [], "tls_protocols": [], "prefix": "", "proxy_allowed": [], "client_ip_proxy_header": "", "client_ip_header_depth": 0, "disable_www_auth_header": false } ], "certificate_file": "/etc/sftpgo/certs/ftp.domain.com.crt", "certificate_key_file": "/etc/sftpgo/certs/ftp.domain.com.key", "ca_certificates": [], "ca_revocation_lists": [], "cors": { "enabled": false, "allowed_origins": [], "allowed_methods": [], "allowed_headers": [], "exposed_headers": [], "allow_credentials": false, "max_age": 0, "options_passthrough": false, "options_success_status": 0, "allow_private_network": false }, "cache": { "users": { "expiration_time": 0, "max_size": 50 }, "mime_types": { "enabled": true, "max_size": 1000, "custom_mappings": [] } } }, "data_provider": { "driver": "sqlite", "name": "sftpgo.db", "host": "", "port": 0, "username": "", "password": "", "sslmode": 0, "disable_sni": false, "target_session_attrs": "", "root_cert": "", "client_cert": "", "client_key": "", "connection_string": "", "sql_tables_prefix": "", "track_quota": 2, "delayed_quota_update": 0, "pool_size": 0, "users_base_dir": "/srv/sftpgo/data", "actions": { "execute_on": [], "execute_for": [], "hook": "" }, "external_auth_hook": "", "external_auth_scope": 0, "pre_login_hook": "", "post_login_hook": "", "post_login_scope": 0, "check_password_hook": "", "check_password_scope": 0, "password_hashing": { "bcrypt_options": { "cost": 10 }, "argon2_options": { "memory": 65536, "iterations": 1, "parallelism": 2 }, "algo": "bcrypt" }, "password_validation": { "admins": { "min_entropy": 0 }, "users": { "min_entropy": 0 } }, "password_caching": true, "update_mode": 0, "create_default_admin": false, "naming_rules": 5, "is_shared": 0, "node": { "host": "", "port": 0, "proto": "http" }, "backups_path": "/srv/sftpgo/backups" }, "httpd": { "bindings": [ { "port": 8080, "address": "", "enable_web_admin": true, "enable_web_client": true, "enable_rest_api": true, "enabled_login_methods": 0, "enable_https": false, "certificate_file": "", "certificate_key_file": "", "min_tls_version": 12, "client_auth_type": 0, "tls_cipher_suites": [], "tls_protocols": [], "proxy_allowed": [], "client_ip_proxy_header": "", "client_ip_header_depth": 0, "hide_login_url": 0, "render_openapi": true, "oidc": { "client_id": "", "client_secret": "", "client_secret_file": "", "config_url": "", "redirect_base_url": "", "scopes": [ "openid", "profile", "email" ], "username_field": "", "role_field": "", "implicit_roles": false, "custom_fields": [], "insecure_skip_signature_check": false, "debug": false }, "security": { "enabled": false, "allowed_hosts": [], "allowed_hosts_are_regex": false, "hosts_proxy_headers": [], "https_redirect": false, "https_host": "", "https_proxy_headers": [], "sts_seconds": 0, "sts_include_subdomains": false, "sts_preload": false, "content_type_nosniff": false, "content_security_policy": "", "permissions_policy": "", "cross_origin_opener_policy": "" }, "branding": { "web_admin": { "name": "", 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"telemetry": { "bind_port": 0, "bind_address": "", "enable_profiler": false, "auth_user_file": "", "certificate_file": "", "certificate_key_file": "", "min_tls_version": 12, "tls_cipher_suites": [], "tls_protocols": [] }, "http": { "timeout": 20, "retry_wait_min": 2, "retry_wait_max": 30, "retry_max": 3, "ca_certificates": [], "certificates": [], "skip_tls_verify": false, "headers": [] }, "command": { "timeout": 30, "env": [], "commands": [] }, "kms": { "secrets": { "url": "", "master_key": "", "master_key_path": "" } }, "mfa": { "totp": [ { "name": "Default", "issuer": "SFTPGo", "algo": "sha1" } ] }, "smtp": { "host": "", "port": 587, "from": "", "user": "", "password": "", "auth_type": 0, "encryption": 0, "domain": "", "templates_path": "templates", "debug": 0, "oauth2": { "provider": 0, "tenant": "", "client_id": "", "client_secret": "", "refresh_token": "" } }, "plugins": [] }

Relevant log output

Error log - IPs ommited

2024-10-17T15:29:53.621 DBG Client connected | sender=ftpserverlib server_id=FTP_0 clientId=1 clientIp=1x.yy.yy.6:63261 
2024-10-17T15:29:53.623 DBG connection added, local address "1xx.1x.0.2:2121", remote address "1x.yy.yy.6:63261", num open connections: 1 | sender=FTP connection_id=FTP_0_1 
2024-10-17T15:29:53.652 ERR Read error | sender=ftpserverlib server_id=FTP_0 clientId=1 err=tls: client offered only unsupported versions: [302 301] 
2024-10-17T15:29:53.652 DBG connection removed, local address "1xx.1x.0.2:2121", remote address "1x.yy.yy.6:63261" close fs error: <nil>, num open connections: 0 | sender=FTP connection_id=FTP_0_1 
2024-10-17T15:29:53.652 DBG | sender=connection_failed client_ip=1x.yy.yy.6 username= login_type=no_auth_tried protocol=FTP error=no auth tried 
2024-10-17T15:29:53.652 DBG Client disconnected | sender=ftpserverlib server_id=FTP_0 clientId=1 clientIp=1x.yy.yy.6:63261

What are you using SFTPGo for?

Private user, home usecase (home backup/VPS)

Additional info

No response

pedroponte commented 1 day ago

@drakkan FYA please, TIA!