dralletje / Windowed

Chrome extension to keep fullscreen windows contained
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[Feature Request] Remember PIP position and size. #38

Closed Killerko closed 2 years ago

Killerko commented 2 years ago

Hi, would it be possible to remember the last position and size of the PIP window? Even when you close and restart browser?

As it is currently it starts in the bottom right at predetermined size and have the option to save the last used size/position would be really great as I tend to have it at the exact opposite corner on my monitor and have to constantly move it there...

Also any possibility to add an option to have the windowed mode with all the controls be always on top?

dralletje commented 2 years ago

No, sorry :(

Sadly I can't make the Windowed mode always on top with just the extension (reason other extensions can do it is because they reload the page, which I really don't want). PiP is all out of my control, all I can ask the browser is "Put this video in PiP please".