dralletje / Windowed

Chrome extension to keep fullscreen windows contained
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documentation: is this supposed to work with fullscreen for any site or just video players? #39

Closed DavidGretzschel closed 2 years ago

DavidGretzschel commented 2 years ago

In Chrome, when I press F11 or the fullscreen-button (see picture), it will use the normal (and unnecessarily space-hogging) full-screen. image image

I was hoping for a OneNote-style windowed-fullscreen like this, though: image

I understand that this might not be possible. [or perhaps this is not possible in Chrome, but possibly Firefox? I wouldn't know, I'm using Chrome] But I couldn't figure this out from the documentation here: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/windowed-floating-youtube/gibipneadnbflmkebnmcbgjdkngkbklb

The description of "Changes fullscreen buttons to go into a popup. Works for every website that uses fullscreen, including Youtube, Vimeo, Netflix" did get my hopes up. The browser itself does have a full-screen button. I do appreciate having this for YouTube, of course.

But a true windowed FullScreen-mode would be something much greater. And if that's not in the cards, it would be better, to state that clearly.

dralletje commented 2 years ago

I can't change the browser fullscreen button, sadly, but I do get the confusion. There might be a nice UI for adding buttons to pop out to a windowed popup somewhere in the windowed menu?

Windowed Menu

But for now you will have to do with manually executing document.body.requestFullscreen() in the javascript console :/
