dralletje / Windowed

Chrome extension to keep fullscreen windows contained
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Does not work with video on the VRT sites #44

Open janc13 opened 2 years ago

janc13 commented 2 years ago

This extension does not work with video on any of the VRT (Belgian state broadcaster) sites I tried. E.g.: https://www.vrt.be/vrtnws/nl/ https://sporza.be/nl/

(I suspect it has something to do with the THEOplayer video player they use?)

dralletje commented 2 years ago

Dat kan ik natuurlijk niet laten gebeuren!

I found the problem, and it took some time, but should also work for a lot of other complex sites. Need to test a bit more before I can release, but if you want you can try (and test) the newest version:

EDIT Wasn't working so will get you a link after I get it working 😁

dralletje commented 2 years ago

Got it! It took some web black-magic.. so I hope it also works on your machine:

extension.zip - How to install

janc13 commented 2 years ago

I should probably have mentioned from the start that I use Firefox, not Chrome/Chromium, as testing an unsigned extension works differently there…

Anyway, I installed the developer version of Firefox to test it and from a very quick check it seems to work for me too (although I only tested on Sporza so far).

dralletje commented 2 years ago

Ah, that makes sense.. a lot of people who have a github account and use this extension seem to do so on firefox 😅 I'll test it for another week or so, and then I'll release it :)