drallgood / jpasskit

jPasskit is an Java™ implementation of the Apple™ PassKit Web Service.
Apache License 2.0
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when creating a pass with 'webServiceUrl' it does not install on iphone #12

Closed ahmadRMusa closed 11 years ago

ahmadRMusa commented 11 years ago

Scenario: 1-I created a pass of type generic and sent it to my email . 2- I opened it from iphone mail client and downloaded the .pkpass file, but my iphone did not recognize it as a pass file.

then I removed the 'webServiceUrl' from the pass, and did the same steps, and it works.

I tried hard to know why this is happening but could not find any thing,

I use jdk and java 6

drallgood commented 11 years ago

I'm guessing you are missing the authentication token which is a mandatory field when you provide a webserviceUrl. You can always check your devices console using xcode. https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/PassKit_PG/Chapters/Updating.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40012195-CH5-SW59

ahmadRMusa commented 11 years ago

yes that is right, I provided a short authentication token (10 chars), while it is required to be longer than 16 chars.

thanks dallgood.