drand / kyber

Advanced crypto library for the Go language
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DKG share index uses uint32, but the tbls scheme uses 16bit #46

Open CluEleSsUK opened 1 year ago

CluEleSsUK commented 1 year ago

Here in the tBLS signing (which is used for partial signatures) the index is a 16bit int: https://github.com/drand/kyber/blob/f864ea984f7c8f7ad2d247ac693b971d4e412dbd/sign/tbls/tbls.go#L90

Throughout the DKG, a uint32 is used: https://github.com/drand/kyber/blob/f864ea984f7c8f7ad2d247ac693b971d4e412dbd/share/dkg/structs.go#L65

I haven't actually seen this break anything, but maybe it's a limit for large DKGs!

CluEleSsUK commented 1 year ago

It's possibe the indexes are distinct and I've also misunderstood though - open to education (maybe the 16bit one is just for coefficients?)