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Infographic showing the differences between drand and competitors #152

Closed CluEleSsUK closed 4 months ago

CluEleSsUK commented 1 year ago

A small table showing some of the differences between drand, chainlink VRF, RANDAO and NIST randomness so that end users can see what drand is good for and not good for

ErickWa commented 1 year ago

What do you think of this one? Let me know what you had in mind and I can try to whip something up. what-sets-drand-apart

CluEleSsUK commented 1 year ago

I had something more along these lines in mind:

I think public vs private and centralised vs decentralised would definitely feature in such a table though

yiannisbot commented 1 year ago

I like the graph that @ErickWa came up with. I would just think we should add more competitors. I thought I had a list somewhere, but can't find it right now with a quick search. Let's think if there are more to add to the mix.

ErickWa commented 1 year ago

Where do Dfinity & Ouroboros fit on the X,Y axis of drand's competitive positioning?