drapergem / draper

Decorators/View-Models for Rails Applications
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Confused by options! #372

Closed tovodeverett closed 11 years ago

tovodeverett commented 11 years ago

It seems like the options parameter in Draper::Decorator#initialize and in Draper::DecoratedAssociation#initialize mean different things.

In Draper::Decorator#initialize, the options parameter exists solely to pass a list of things with which to populate #options - i.e. contextual information of use to Decorator instances.

In Draper::DecoratedAssociation#initialize, the options parameter is a set of options for configuring the DecoratedAssociation instance (i.e. :scope and :with). For a while, I thought that it actually conflated the first and the second. I just finally realized, however, that I have to call #options= on the association (i.e. decorator.association.options = { option_for_child_decorator: 'foo' }).

What about setting it up so that if the user doesn't specify otherwise, decorates_association sets things up to automatically pass the parents' options hash to all of the children Decorators. If the user wants control, the user should pass a block to decorates_association that is responsible for generating the options hash, like so:

decorates_association('articles`, scope: :foo) do |decorator|
  { decorator.options.slice(:current_user) }

I suggest that some sort of naming change be at least considered. It's probably too much interface churn to rename Draper::Decorator#options, so my suggestion would be that Draper::DecoratedAssociation#options get renamed to something like #association_options to distinguish it and reduce confusion.

steveklabnik commented 11 years ago

What about setting it up so that if the user doesn't specify otherwise, decorates_association sets things up to automatically pass the parents' options hash to all of the children Decorators.

This would match what I'd expect too.

It's probably too much interface churn

We're preparing for a 1.0.0 release, 'churn' isn't a problem. Draper isn't a big library.

tovodeverett commented 11 years ago

My worries about churn were more about the external interface. I wasn't sure how many people are depending upon 1.0.0 beta code, but I'm coming to the realization that one of the values of the Ruby community (and one I like) is permitting backwards incompatible changes for good reasons when going between versions (i.e. 1.8 -> 1.9, Rails 2->3, etc.). Thus ~>.

So, since we're not that worried about interface churn, I'd definitely vote for renaming Draper::Decorator#options - options has seems to have a pretty standard connotation within the Ruby/Rails community, and that seems to be as a way of passing parameters by name rather than by position. Since the options in the initializer aren't for the initializer, but rather for all the other methods, this is a bit of a stretch on the naming convention.

I will admit that even from the beginning I felt a little uncomfortable with the naming for Draper::Decorator#options. I sort of like the old name, context, but it has issues as well because it's too easy to conflate it with ViewContext. I've been looking at a thesaurus, but that isn't really helping.

I need to do some thinking about the real purpose of the hash. Currently I'm using it to pass along some "collaborator" objects (i.e. current_user and current_prefs) as well as some user-supplied parameters from params. In the latter case, I'm slicing params first (to ensure I only pass what is relevant) and calling it img_params (in this case, it's options for displaying a photograph, like how to resize it, whether to adjust the gamma, etc.) All of these could be passed directly in each method call, but that reduces DRYness. I keep thinking the whole thing feels vaguely like DCI for some reason. I'm going to go ruminate.

steveklabnik commented 11 years ago

I wasn't sure how many people are depending upon 1.0.0 beta code,

Shouldn't be many, but SemVer makes no guarantees pre-1.0, and you shouldn't expect interfaces to be the same within betas.

I plan on following strict SemVer for Draper, so 1.0.0 will have a supported interface for a while, which is why getting it right now is so important.

tovodeverett commented 11 years ago

I'm still thinking about the right name for Draper::Decorator#options, but I have finally figured out that my initial impression about the options parameter to Draper::DecoratedAssociation#initialize was correct! It is indeed a dual-purpose hash - options like :with are extracted from it before using it as the default for @options which is indeed passed to the underlying decorator constructors. It looks like the :scope option gets used but not extracted, so if you define :scope, then it appears that the underlying decorators will get :scope in their options hash!

I think this reinforces the need to come up with a new name and to disassociate these two uses.

Also, using options= to set the options on a decorated association takes a little care. Because DecoratedAssociation#call returns the undecorated association if undecorated == [], one can't call decorator.association.options = without first testing to see if the association is empty. This also means that if I do it in initialize, I'm forcing the enumeration of the association even if my code never touches it.

tovodeverett commented 11 years ago

What about frame? I vetoed setting because it has specific alternate connotations, but another possibility might be stage. There are two meanings of stage that would make sense in this situation - both the location for a performance and to assemble supplies for later use.

haines commented 11 years ago

I'm not particularly opposed to options, but context would be ok too (not quite the old way of doing it, context used to be a special-cased key in the options hash). I don't think it's too easily conflated, you don't have to deal with view contexts too often and when you do it's called view_context, right?

tovodeverett commented 11 years ago

I'm happy with context if everyone else is - I just assumed that options got used because there were issues with calling it context. Is there consensus on having context get automatically passed through decorates_association and if the user needs control over what gets passed, they can pass a block to decorates_association that will take the parent context as a parameter and will return the context hash for the association. I don't see any advantage to statically configuring the context hash for the association during the call to decorates_association (and if someone does want that, they can easily do it in the block).

Also, I'm not sure I understand why DecoratedAssociation#call returns the undecorated association if undecorated == []. It was definitely unexpected, it makes testing potentially trickier, and it makes using options= on the association dangerous if the user doesn't understand this corner case.

haines commented 11 years ago

I'm not sure exactly (I only left [] undecorated because that was how it worked before), but I think the reasoning was similar to that of not decorating nil.

However I don't think that makes sense for a CollectionDecorator because although no instances will get individually decorated, it is probably desirable to have the pagination methods or whatever one might add to a custom ProductsDecorator available even on an empty array.

@steveklabnik How do you feel about allowing [] to be decorated? I think it is still probably best to leave nil undecorated though.

steveklabnik commented 11 years ago

I don't have an opinion either way. I think there was some reason we didn't decorate []...

haines commented 11 years ago

Found it ... 5dd5757b25e77f262d3ca794952f6e3541824aaa

The problem was that we were getting the decorator class from orig_association.first.class, which is of course nil for an empty array. This is no longer the case, so it will work fine. I'll submit a pull request.

tovodeverett commented 11 years ago

The original point of this thread was to discuss whether using options for two different purposes (passing some sort of context to a decorator as well as for configuring a decorated association) was a good thing and to discuss whether there should be easier ways to configure options (or whatever we decide to call it) for the decorated objects in a decorated association. Along the way I stumbled into the DecoratedAssociations#call issue. The latter got resolved, but the first one is still out there.

steveklabnik commented 11 years ago

Ahh, good point.

tovodeverett commented 11 years ago

I'd enjoy taking a stab at implementation, but it seems like it would be good to get consensus on the desired behavior first. Here's my proposal:

Should I go for it?

haines commented 11 years ago

Sounds pretty good to me - except I think you mean :scope not :source ;) I think the best thing would be to slice the hash passed to the initializer and have an options hash (only keys :with and :scope) and a context hash (everything else), and merge the two in decorate. We need the options for singular associations too, so there should be no need to switch on collection?

So by default the associated object gets the parent context, optionally modified by a block. If I provide some context, e.g. decorates_association :foo, some: "data", what happens? If I give it a block as well, should the block just never be called? Perhaps even it should be an ArgumentError to pass a block unless context is empty?

On your fourth point, my response is the same as for #378, decorators should generally be write-once, so I wouldn't worry about that.

tovodeverett commented 11 years ago

You are correct on :scope not :source (luckily I can modify the original comment).

The options don't make sense for singular associations once the association is instantiated. The :scope option is used in DecoratedAssociation#undecorated as part of creating the underlying association before decorating it - once that has happened, even CollectionDecorator doesn't use it. The :with option is used to determine how the individual objects in the collection (in the case of a collection) should be decorated (so CollectionDecorator does indeed need it), but for singular associations the purpose of :with is over once the singular object gets decorated in DecoratedAssociation#decorated. The divergence in interface would only affect CollectionDecorator (which is internal) and decorate_collection. I'll think about this a bit, but the reason I'm hesitant to slice a merged hash is that we're making certain context keys "special" - for instance, if I have a Rifle model and the user has a default Scope that I pass in as part of the context (I know this is contrived), I may get a tad surprised. I don't think :with and :scope are likely to be that common, but what happens if we want to add another option to decorates_association down the road - that suddenly becomes a SemVer major version change instead of a minor version.

Addressing your second paragraph, my suggestion would be that the hash passed to decorates_association be purely for options. If a user wants to pass static context, the supported approach should be decorates_association :foo {|context| {some: "data"} }. I suspect static context is going to be less common than dynamic context - dynamic context exists whenever the behavior of the decorator needs to change based on request-specific information, whereas static context for a decorated association would only exist when the behavior of the decorator needs to change because it is a child of a parent decorator of a given class.

haines commented 11 years ago

Yep, that's a good point about having context and options in the same hash. In that case I think we should go back to passing context as a key to the various options hashes. That would mean something like

# Decorator and CollectionDecorator
def initialize(source, options = {})
  # ...
  @context = options.delete(:context) { {} }

The valid options to the various methods would be

And passing :context and a block to decorates_association would be an ArgumentError. I'm not keen on the block being the only way to set context, because if we have a non-block-based way of doing it in the other methods it should work for decorates_association too. I'm not sure how people will use the feature and as such would prefer to leave the decision of static or dynamic context to the user - even if one or the other is more common, it's not hard to support them both.

PS CollectionDecorator is not internal, it's totally legit to do class ProductsDecorator < Draper::CollectionDecorator

tovodeverett commented 11 years ago

I won't argue - even though it tightens up the syntax when calling decorate to not have to say decorate(foo: 'bar') instead of decorate(context: {foo:bar}), I think the flexibility down the road is worth the extra characters.

What about decorates_association(context: lambda {|context| . . . }) - basically, if context responds to :call then treat it as a block?

haines commented 11 years ago

I agree that decorate(foo: "bar") is neater (which is why I scrapped context in the first place), but you're right, it's better to be flexible (and consistent).

if context responds to :call then treat it as a block?

Yep, I like it!

tovodeverett commented 11 years ago

Should I implement strict options (i.e. raise errors if invalid option keys are passed) or leave it as is (silently ignore)? I'm happy with the existing behavior.

haines commented 11 years ago

I think silently ignoring them is fine.

jcasimir commented 11 years ago

Personally I prefer when options are strict / raise errors.

Jeff Casimir Principal, Jumpstart Lab http://jumpstartlab.com

On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 1:39 PM, Andrew Haines notifications@github.comwrote:

I think silently ignoring them is fine.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/drapergem/draper/issues/372#issuecomment-11302009.

haines commented 11 years ago

@jcasimir Fair enough. I guess that would help stop people using options like :polymorphic that were valid in 0.x but not in 1.0.

tovodeverett commented 11 years ago

The one downside/upside is that it will force people who started using options in place of context to rapidly convert back to context!

steveklabnik commented 11 years ago

This is fixed with the merging of @haines' latest code, yes?

haines commented 11 years ago

Yep, credit mostly due to @tovodeverett though!

steveklabnik commented 11 years ago

Absolutely true. :heart: @tovodeverett !