draperlaboratory / cbat_tools

Program analysis tools developed at Draper on the CBAT project.
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Efficiency for model of initialized data sections #356

Closed ccasin closed 2 years ago

ccasin commented 2 years ago

The collect_mem_read_expr function is used to model assumptions about memory reads in comparative analysis. Here is the beginning of it:

let collect_mem_read_expr (env1 : Env.t) (env2 : Env.t) (exp : Exp.t)
    (init_addrs : Addr.Set.t) (offset : Constr.z3_expr -> Constr.z3_expr)
  : Constr.z3_expr list =
  let ctx = Env.get_context env1 in
  let bap_mem1 = Env.get_mem env1 in
  let bap_mem2 = Env.get_mem env2 in
  (* read_addr = init_addr1 \/ read_addr = init_addr2 \/ ... *)
  let init_addrs read_addr =
    Addr.Set.fold init_addrs ~init:[] ~f:(fun constr addr ->
        let addr = word_to_z3 ctx addr in
        let eq = Bool.mk_eq ctx read_addr addr in
        eq :: constr) |>
    Bool.mk_or ctx

The init_addrs property is used to check if the address we're reading from was initialized. But if the initialized data section is big, this is a massive conjunction. Probably we should take in ranges of initialized addresses and check if the address is in those ranges.