drawRect / Instagram_Stories

Inspired by Instagram Stories functionality. This source is similar to Instagram Stories, which is having both image and video support.
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Start with specific snap #50

Closed pcentieiro closed 5 years ago

pcentieiro commented 5 years ago


Thanks for this library which I found it very robust and complete. While it supports to go to a specific story, how can I go to a specific snap before launching the story?

I tried to set lastPlayedSnapIndex before opening the story, but it gets confused and seems that all the progress bars start playing after that index.


boominadhaprakash commented 5 years ago

Hi @pcentieiro

Give us sometime, we will test it and let you know.

pcentieiro commented 5 years ago

Thanks! I saw your edited posts. This is what I'm trying to achieve:

If I was not cleared enough, I can post a video if you want, but it is very similar to "Previews" in Netflix app :)

I was thinking in loading the story and then make "fake" clicks on the screen to go to the snap I want, but I wouldn't go forward without your feedback, because I don't know the impact on the rest of the code...

Tbh, I don't want to use another InstagramStories library, because from what I found, yours is the most complete in github. Is there anything where I can help?

PS: I don't have a problem with the previous snaps being filled (before lastPlayedSnapIndex). That's the intended behaviour really! The problem is the ones after it :)

boominadhaprakash commented 5 years ago

Hi @pcentieiro

I have modified our Instagram Stories code to support your requirement.

Please download the check the code from this branch: Boomi/lastplayedsnapissue

Now you can blindly set snapIndex value in IGStoryPreviewController, WillDisplayCell method.

Sample code for you.

func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, willDisplay cell: UICollectionViewCell, forItemAt  indexPath: IndexPath) {
        guard let cell = cell as? IGStoryPreviewCell else {
        //Taking Previous(Visible) cell to store previous story
        let visibleCells = collectionView.visibleCells.sortedArrayByPosition()
        let visibleCell = visibleCells.first as? IGStoryPreviewCell
        if let vCell = visibleCell {
            vCell.story?.isCompletelyVisible = false
            vCell.pauseSnapProgressors(with: (vCell.story?.lastPlayedSnapIndex)!)
            story_copy = vCell.story

        //Prepare the setup for first time story launch
        if story_copy == nil {
            cell.willDisplayCellForZerothIndex(with: 2)
        if indexPath.item == nStoryIndex {
            let s = stories.stories[nStoryIndex+handPickedStoryIndex]
            cell.willDisplayCell(with: s.lastPlayedSnapIndex)

If you face any issues, please feel free to raise issues.

pcentieiro commented 5 years ago

Works flawlessly 👌

Thanks a lot man!!

boominadhaprakash commented 5 years ago

Welcome @pcentieiro

sourish commented 4 years ago

HI @boominadhaprakash / @pcentieiro , Could you please tell me how can i open a particular snap with snapIndex. Could you please brief me about this