drawRect / Instagram_Stories

Inspired by Instagram Stories functionality. This source is similar to Instagram Stories, which is having both image and video support.
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Show stories with specific snap #93

Closed vBoykoGit closed 4 years ago

vBoykoGit commented 4 years ago

I want to start IGStoryPreviewCell from specific start index, myStartIndex for example:

  func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell {
        guard let cell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: IGStoryPreviewCell.reuseIdentifier, for: indexPath) as? IGStoryPreviewCell else {
        let story = viewModel?.cellForItemAtIndexPath(indexPath)
        cell.story = story
        cell.delegate = self
       cell.STARTINDEX = myStartIndex // how can i do that?
        nStoryIndex = indexPath.item
        return cell
boominadhaprakash commented 4 years ago

Hi @vBoykoGit

Thanks for raising the issue. I think we have addressed this issue already. Please refer the below link.


vBoykoGit commented 4 years ago

I have read this issue but still don't understand what property I must set to change start index

boominadhaprakash commented 4 years ago

Hi @vBoykoGit.

Go to IGStoryPreviewController, willDisplayCell method, you can find the below code,

func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, willDisplay cell: UICollectionViewCell, forItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
        guard let cell = cell as? IGStoryPreviewCell else {

        //Taking Previous(Visible) cell to store previous story
        let visibleCells = collectionView.visibleCells.sortedArrayByPosition()
        let visibleCell = visibleCells.first as? IGStoryPreviewCell
        if let vCell = visibleCell {
            vCell.story?.isCompletelyVisible = false
            vCell.pauseSnapProgressors(with: (vCell.story?.lastPlayedSnapIndex)!)
            story_copy = vCell.story
        //Prepare the setup for first time story launch
        if story_copy == nil {
            cell.willDisplayCellForZerothIndex(with: cell.story?.lastPlayedSnapIndex ?? 0)
        if indexPath.item == nStoryIndex {
            let s = stories.stories[nStoryIndex+handPickedStoryIndex]
            cell.willDisplayCell(with: s.lastPlayedSnapIndex)

In that, in the below line instead of cell.story?.lastPlayedSnapIndex in cell.willDisplayCellForZerothIndex(with: cell.story?.lastPlayedSnapIndex ?? 0), you can pass your own index like cell.willDisplayCellForZerothIndex(with: 2) or cell.willDisplayCellForZerothIndex(with: 3) like this.

if story_copy == nil {
            cell.willDisplayCellForZerothIndex(with: cell.story?.lastPlayedSnapIndex ?? 0)

Let us know, if you are still unable to fix the issue.

vBoykoGit commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your answer. I have changed willDisplay method as following:

if story_copy == nil {
            cell.willDisplayCellForZerothIndex(with: 1)

And now I'm getting this bug:

Снимок экрана 2020-04-13 в 11 56 33
boominadhaprakash commented 4 years ago

Hi @vBoykoGit

Can you please tell us, on what scenario you want to open like this?

vBoykoGit commented 4 years ago

I want to open each story separately like following:

Снимок экрана 2020-04-13 в 13 35 46

So, when I press on the story IGStoryPreviewController should show it.

boominadhaprakash commented 4 years ago

Hi @vBoykoGit

If you are opening each story separately, once that story over, should it move to next story or it should dismiss?

vBoykoGit commented 4 years ago

It should move to the next story

boominadhaprakash commented 4 years ago

Hi @vBoykoGit

I have implemented the functionality. Please refer the below issue, you will get some idea. Let us know if you have any doubt on that.


boominadhaprakash commented 4 years ago

HI @vBoykoGit

Please check issue #98 as per my previous comment. If you have any doubts ask us. Even after apply that fix, if your issue not getting solved, please reopen this issue. I am closing it for now.

Duplicate of #98