drawrowfly / amazon-product-api

Amazon Scraper. Scrape products from the amazon search result or reviews from the specific product
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Please...cant scrape color name and size name from amazon.es #120

Open mkudev opened 10 months ago

mkudev commented 10 months ago

I created it, but not working, rest of script work fine, I need scrap asin details of color and size names, text plain to easy csv import to woocommece. I hope you help bro.

const fs = require('fs').promises; const amazonScraper = require('amazon-buddy'); const createCsvWriter = require('csv-writer').createObjectCsvWriter;

(async () => { try { const asinList = await fs.readFile('asin-list.txt', 'utf-8'); const asinArray = asinList.trim().split('\n');

    const productsData = await amazonScraper.asin({
        asin: asinArray,
        country: 'ES',
        category: 'moda',
        limit: 13,
        filetype: 'csv'

    for (const product of productsData) {
        product.variation_color_name = ''; // Agrega esto para evitar el error en caso de que no se encuentre la propiedad
        const sizeOptions = $('#native_dropdown_selected_size_name option[value!="0,B01M1C6RFY"]').map((index, element) => {
            const value = $(element).attr('value');
            const size = $(element).text().trim();
            return { value, size };

        product.size_options = sizeOptions;

    const csvWriter = createCsvWriter({
        path: 'output.csv',
        header: [
            { id: 'asin', title: 'ASIN' },
            { id: 'url', title: 'URL' },
            { id: 'product', title: 'Producto' },
            { id: 'variation_color_name', title: 'Nombre de Color' },
            // ... (otros encabezados)
            { id: 'size_options', title: 'Opciones de Tamaño' },
            { id: 'variants', title: 'Variantes' },
            // ... (otros encabezados)

    await csvWriter.writeRecords(productsData);

    console.log('Archivo CSV ha sido creado exitosamente.');
} catch (fileError) {
    console.log('Error al leer asin-list.txt:', fileError);
