drawrowfly / amazon-product-api

Amazon Scraper. Scrape products from the amazon search result or reviews from the specific product
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Get varinats option list ! #22

Closed clipvui2512 closed 3 years ago

clipvui2512 commented 3 years ago

Can I get varinats option : color,size,ect... ?

drawrowfly commented 3 years ago

You can do it with the current version, data will be in the variants array

clipvui2512 commented 3 years ago

Sorry but ...current verison not show product options color,size, type...

drawrowfly commented 3 years ago

This data is only available in single product details method(asin) https://github.com/drawrowfly/amazon-product-api#asin-output

clipvui2512 commented 3 years ago

I checked , and this don't support product variants data, only title and image in asin output, Json need look like: { variants :[ { title : product.title options : { blue , XXL , woman} Images : array... }, { title : product.title options : { red , M , woman} Images : array... }, ] }