drawrowfly / amazon-product-api

Amazon Scraper. Scrape products from the amazon search result or reviews from the specific product
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Retrieving price 0 for asin product #28

Closed bluemix closed 3 years ago

bluemix commented 3 years ago

Hello dear; After fetching this item details, I received price of $0, although, it has $13.98 in it. Here is my code:

const asinInfo = await amazonScraper.asin({
  asin: 'B001JTADUI',
  country: 'US',
  cookie: 'session-id=222-22222-22222; session-id-time=222221l; ubid-main=444-4444-4444444',

I also tried with cookie: '' and got the same results. Thanks in advance.

bluemix commented 3 years ago

Another item with price $0.

drawrowfly commented 3 years ago

Unfortunately i can't reproduce the issue that you are describing, with valid cookies i'm getting back the price without any issues

Thank You

bluemix commented 3 years ago

Sorry, I was not taking real cookie data values. I was using random ones. Now, it works and the price is fetched. Thanks.