drawrowfly / amazon-product-api

Amazon Scraper. Scrape products from the amazon search result or reviews from the specific product
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Need to try and catch an error with calculation for product_information.available_from #39

Open guy032 opened 3 years ago

guy032 commented 3 years ago

I checked this link: https://www.amazon.es/dp/B08739TY2T And without my suggestion here for Amazon.js:

        // Calculate months and days on amazon
        try {
            if (product_information.available_from) {
                const from = moment(new Date(product_information.available_from));
                const now = moment(new Date());
                const duration = moment.duration(now.diff(from));
                product_information.available_from_utc = new Date(product_information.available_from).toISOString();
                product_information.available_for_months = Math.ceil(duration.asMonths());
                product_information.available_for_days = Math.ceil(duration.asDays());
        } catch {}

It returns null for asin({ asin: "B08739TY2T", country: "ES" })

The reason is:

RangeError: Invalid time value
    at Date.toISOString (<anonymous>)
    at AmazonScraper.extractProductInfromation (amazon-buddy\lib\Amazon.js:694:103)
    at AmazonScraper.grapAsinDetails (amazon-buddy\lib\Amazon.js:1060:74)
    at amazon-buddy\lib\Amazon.js:238:30

The try and catch fix this issue.