drawrowfly / instagram-scraper

Instagram Scraper. Scrape useful data/posts from instagram users, hashtag and locations pages. Comments and people who liked specific posts and soon more. No login or API keys are required
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instagram video downloads not working #77

Open tbtruong opened 1 year ago

tbtruong commented 1 year ago

Trying to download instagram videos using this code:

(async () => { try { const options = {count: 5, download: true, mediaType: 'video', download: true, filepath: './static/', session: 'sessionid=SESSION_ID; ds_user_id=USER_ID'}; const hashtag = await instagramScraper.hashtag('travel', options); console.log(hashtag); } catch (error) { console.log(error); } })();

The scrape works fine, but it returns downloaded false as well as video_url: undefined. As seen in the screenshot. The scrape for downloading picture works as well. It is just videos.
