drawrowfly / instagram-scraper

Instagram Scraper. Scrape useful data/posts from instagram users, hashtag and locations pages. Comments and people who liked specific posts and soon more. No login or API keys are required
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Neither Output Nor Erros #78

Open ahmedbana opened 1 year ago

ahmedbana commented 1 year ago

My Code is `var instatouch = require("instatouch")

const options = { session: "sessionid=55399392282%3A5j3Uk8uvS6NF8q%3A18%3AAYdYf4QdcI2Tu_UOphWeg2VUwwQ7er-A9AG_kkG87Q;ds_user_id=55399392282" };

instatouch.likers('https://www.instagram.com/p/Ckvdxa0onHW/', options)`

I can't get likers, followers, following and any data.

When I run the code it waits 3 seconds then do nothing with no errors or outputs


raphaguasta commented 9 months ago

The same result here:

(async () => {
    try {
        const options = { session: "sessionid=mySession" };
        const user = await instaTouch.followers('https://www.instagram.com/widde.io/', options)
    } catch (error) {

The response is just a empty payload:

  count: 0,
  has_more: false,
  end_cursor: '',
  id: '',
  collector: [],
  auth_error: false

Anyone can help?