drbenvincent / delay-discounting-analysis

Hierarchical Bayesian estimation and hypothesis testing for delay discounting tasks
MIT License
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Finalise the MvNormal model #88

Open drbenvincent opened 8 years ago

drbenvincent commented 8 years ago

(m,c) should be drawn from a multivariate normal distribution

updated goals:

drbenvincent commented 6 years ago

At this point we have...

Separate model: This works, and I'm happy with the setting up of the variance/covariance matrix. The resulting samples seem to be good.

Hierarchical model: This is NOT working, and is NOT a full hierarchical model. We are doing hierarchical inference on alpha and epsilon, but not on (m,c). We are in the middle of attempting to do hierarchical inference on r (correlation coefficient between m and c) but this is currently not working. Maybe we don't need to do this.

drbenvincent commented 6 years ago

Hierarchical model Attempting to put hyper priors on m and c and just have one single r for all participants. But the model crashes. Not sure why

drbenvincent commented 6 years ago

So the MixedModel doesn't work either, so there is some other error than needs to be resolved here before addressing the fully hierarchical model.