drdk / grunt-dr-svg-sprites

Grunt plugin to create SVG sprites with PNG fallbacks at needed sizes
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Consider renaming to provide compatibility with 'load grunt tasks' plugin #13

Closed benfrain closed 10 years ago

benfrain commented 10 years ago

At present the task won't be auto-loaded by handy utilities like https://github.com/sindresorhus/load-grunt-tasks

I think this is because that task pattern matches against grunt-* as its globbing pattern.

Perhaps it would therefore be useful to rename:




Just a thought! :)

phloe commented 10 years ago

Looking around there doesn't seem to be any precedent for actually prefixing grunt module names the way I did... Hmmm.

The "grunt-contrib" namespace is reserved for tasks maintained by the Grunt team, please name your task something appropriate that avoids that naming scheme.

That's basically the only guideline the Grunt docs give.

I'll see if renaming the module breaks anything in a catastrophic way... ;)

velPL commented 10 years ago

would be a great feature - I'm using load-grunt-tasks extensively and this is only one plugin so far, that I need to put directly into my Gruntfile

phloe commented 10 years ago

I renamed the repo and npm module just now. dr-grunt-svg-sprites is now deprecated.

Worst case effects of this - I hope - will be the module not updating in node_modules. I'm crossing my fingers this won't break anything ;)

matt-bailey commented 9 years ago

Hi All. Sorry, was this ever resolved?

I'm using load-grunt-config with jit-grunt and it's not picking up the plugin. There's an option to pass a static mapping to jit-grunt, but I can't seem to get that to work either.

I've tried multiple variations of the following kind of config:

require('load-grunt-config')(grunt, {
        jitGrunt: {
            staticMappings: {
                svgsprites: 'grunt-dr-svg-sprites'
        // ...

I then have a separate file called `svgsprites.js' which contains the actual task config. All my other tasks work fine, but this is the only one jit-grunt doesn't seem to recognise.

Can anyone share their config if they got it working?

phloe commented 9 years ago

Try using "svg-sprites" instead of svgsprites and see if that helps:

    "svg-sprites": {
        options: {
            // Task-specific options go here.
matt-bailey commented 9 years ago

I tried a few variations around that theme, but none worked. For example:

require('load-grunt-config')(grunt, {
        jitGrunt: {
            staticMappings: {
                svg-sprites: 'grunt-dr-svg-sprites'

The above throws a syntax error - it doesn't like the '-' in the word 'svg-sprites'.

Then wrapping svg-sprites in quotes, like this:

require('load-grunt-config')(grunt, {
        jitGrunt: {
            staticMappings: {
                "svg-sprites": "grunt-dr-svg-sprites"

Throws the following error:

    jit-grunt: Plugin for the "svg-sprites" task not found.
    If you have installed the plugin already, please setting the static mapping.
    See https://github.com/shootaroo/jit-grunt#static-mappings

    Warning: Task "svg-sprites" not found. Use --force to continue.

Referring to the jit-grunt documentation on static mapping doesn't really help much unfortunately.

phloe commented 9 years ago

Oh damn... It seems like jit-grunt is much stricter than load-grunt-tasks (which just works OOTB) :(

I just added a more strictly named task in 0.9.15 of the plugin. Update grunt-dr-svg-sprites and use "dr-svg-sprites" instead of "svg-sprites" and jit-grunt should play nice :)

matt-bailey commented 9 years ago

That's awesome thank you, it seems to be fixed now.

For anyone else who is also using load-grunt-config and jit-grunt here's my set up.

In Gruntfile.js set your static mapping like so:

require('load-grunt-config')(grunt, {
        jitGrunt: {
            staticMappings: {
                "dr-svg-sprites": 'grunt-dr-svg-sprites'
        // The rest of your config...

Then create a config file for the task called grunt/dr-svg-sprites.js. This is a good tutorial on using grunt-dr-svg-sprites, where you can find out a bit more about what to put in the config.

I'd forgotten that I'm also using a task called grunt-concurrent, so I needed to make sure my task name alias matched dr-svg-sprites.

phloe commented 9 years ago

I don't think you need staticMappings anymore (jitGrunt: true should be enough) after the version update(?) - all you need is the grunt/dr-svg-sprites.js and all references to the task be dr-svg-sprites.

I just tried it out with your tricked out setup: load-grunt-config, grunt-concurrent, jit-grunt and then grunt-dr-svg-sprites. Worked like a charm :)

Be sure grunt-dr-svg-sprites is actually updated to version 0.9.15

matt-bailey commented 9 years ago

Sweet! I'll try it out. Thanks again.