drdk / grunt-dr-svg-sprites

Grunt plugin to create SVG sprites with PNG fallbacks at needed sizes
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Discrepancy in size between generated SVG and PNG sprite #15

Closed benfrain closed 10 years ago

benfrain commented 10 years ago

Currently experiencing an issue where every generated PNG sprite is slightly bigger than the SVG. This is compounded the larger the sprite. As an example:

Generated SVG: 1860 x 60px Generated PNG: 1970 x 64px

As you can imagine, this manifests in the background images being in the wrong position when the fallback PNG is called. Is this a known issue?

phloe commented 10 years ago

Hmmm, do any of the source svg's have width/height and viewbox attributes that don't match values? eg, width="400" height="300" viewbox="0 0 800 500" instead of something sane like width="400" height="300" viewbox="0 0 400 300".

benfrain commented 10 years ago

@rasmusfl0e no, just checked all 30 individual images that make up the sprite and they all match e.g. width="17" height="28" viewBox="0 0 17 28"

benfrain commented 10 years ago

Just created a test making the sprites two ways: once with grunt-dr-svg-sprites and then also dropping the individual images on http://iconizr.com/ (makes vertical sprites by default so not an exact apples to apples test).

While the sprites mismatch in size with grunt-dr-svg-sprites they do not with Iconizr – with that tool they are an exact 1:1 match with the same background-size: setting.

phloe commented 10 years ago

Do you have any idea of how long this has been happening? v0.5.5 is 1-2 months old now... Either it has a bug since then - or there's a bug caused by a dependency. I'm wondering if it's something to do with the PhantomJS dependency (used for making the fallbacks). Could I get you to drill all the way down into node_modules/grunt-dr-svg-sprites/node_modules/dr-svg-sprites/node_modules/phantomjs/package.json and check the version at the top (should say something like "1.9.7-3")?

benfrain commented 10 years ago

Yes, I have "version": "1.9.7-3", – it's possible it has been happening for some time as I have only just started looking carefully at the PNG versions on older devices. That's where I saw positioning was off and then took to creating a reduction case.

phloe commented 10 years ago

It seems like I'm happily avoiding this bug any which way I try...

It could be anything like combinations of config variables that trigger a bug, svg source containing something the sprite builder doesn't handle correctly or maybe just a math error when telling phantomjs what size to render at...

Is there a way I could take a look at your reduced case?

benfrain commented 10 years ago

Hi @rasmusfl0e – yes, I think you are correct. However, it could merely be my misunderstanding of the settings. I have set up a test repo here which, if you open the index.html file you will see the difference between the two images. https://github.com/benfrain/grunt-dr-svg-spriteTest

However, I can now also make them 'work' by making sure I don't have an odd number refSize. For example, if I set this:

"svg-sprites": {
    "ui-separate": {
        options: {
            spriteElementPath: "img",
            spritePath: "img/ui",
            cssPath: "",
            sizes: {
                std: 18
                //,small: 13
            refSize: 17,
            unit: 20

I get the issue. However if I set an equal refSize like this:

"svg-sprites": {
    "ui-separate": {
        options: {
            spriteElementPath: "img",
            spritePath: "img/ui",
            cssPath: "",
            sizes: {
                std: 18
                //,small: 13
            refSize: 18,
            unit: 20

The two variants are a exact 1:1 size. Is that what you would expect to happen? Is it sub-pixel rendering or something similar in Phantom? Anyway, at least I can workaround it and I apologise for any wasted time!

phloe commented 10 years ago

Good news: v0.9.0 doesn't require options.sizes and options.refSize. So if your SVG elements already have the correct dimensions you're good to go :)