dre2901 / node-red-contrib-myq

Node-Red node to control MyQ (Chamberlain) devices
5 stars 3 forks source link

Won't Install #2

Closed rcdemuth closed 2 years ago

rcdemuth commented 3 years ago

When I try to install this in node red via 'manage pallete' I get an error. I've included the error message, logs, and npm-audit results (after also trying to install it via command line). I'm pretty new to node red so I'm not sure how to proceed.

Failed to install: node-red-contrib-myq

Install failed

Check the log for more information

Logs give me the following:

2021-07-05T16:39:35.887Z Install : node-red-contrib-myq 0.0.1

2021-07-05T16:39:36.038Z npm install --no-audit --no-update-notifier --no-fund --save --save-prefix=~ --production node-red-contrib-myq@0.0.1
2021-07-05T16:39:38.066Z [err] npm
2021-07-05T16:39:38.066Z [err]  
2021-07-05T16:39:38.067Z [err] ERR!
2021-07-05T16:39:38.067Z [err]  
2021-07-05T16:39:38.067Z [err] code
2021-07-05T16:39:38.067Z [err]  ETARGET
2021-07-05T16:39:38.070Z [err] npm
2021-07-05T16:39:38.070Z [err]  
2021-07-05T16:39:38.070Z [err] ERR!
2021-07-05T16:39:38.070Z [err]  
2021-07-05T16:39:38.070Z [err] notarget No matching version found for node-red-contrib-myq@0.0.1.
2021-07-05T16:39:38.070Z [err] npm
2021-07-05T16:39:38.071Z [err]  ERR!
2021-07-05T16:39:38.071Z [err]  notarget
2021-07-05T16:39:38.071Z [err]  In most cases you or one of your dependencies are requesting
2021-07-05T16:39:38.071Z [err] npm
2021-07-05T16:39:38.071Z [err]  ERR! 
2021-07-05T16:39:38.071Z [err] notarget a package version that doesn't exist.
2021-07-05T16:39:38.096Z [err] 
2021-07-05T16:39:38.097Z [err] npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
2021-07-05T16:39:38.097Z [err] npm 
2021-07-05T16:39:38.097Z [err] ERR!     /data/.npm/_logs/2021-07-05T16_39_38_072Z-debug.log
2021-07-05T16:39:38.103Z rc=1

Trying to use command line, I get the following feedback. Including running an audit.

bash-5.0$ npm install node-red-contrib-myq
npm WARN deprecated crypto@1.0.1: This package is no longer supported. It's now a built-in Node module. If you've depended on crypto, you should switch to the one that's built-in.
npm notice created a lockfile as package-lock.json. You should commit this file.
+ node-red-contrib-myq@0.0.2
added 9 packages from 14 contributors and audited 359 packages in 4.808s

6 packages are looking for funding
  run `npm fund` for details

found 8 vulnerabilities (7 moderate, 1 high)
  run `npm audit fix` to fix them, or `npm audit` for details
bash-5.0$ npm audit

                       === npm audit security report ===                        

# Run  npm update ws --depth 4  to resolve 1 vulnerability

  Moderate        Regular Expression Denial of Service                          

  Package         ws                                                            

  Dependency of   node-red                                                      

  Path            node-red > @node-red/nodes > mqtt > ws                        

  More info       https://npmjs.com/advisories/1748                             

                                 Manual Review                                  
             Some vulnerabilities require your attention to resolve             

          Visit https://go.npm.me/audit-guide for additional guidance           

  Moderate        Inadequate Encryption Strength                                

  Package         bcrypt                                                        

  Patched in      >=5.0.0                                                       

  Dependency of   node-red                                                      

  Path            node-red > @node-red/editor-api > bcrypt                      

  More info       https://npmjs.com/advisories/1553                             

  Moderate        Inadequate Encryption Strength                                

  Package         bcrypt                                                        

  Patched in      >=5.0.0                                                       

  Dependency of   node-red                                                      

  Path            node-red > bcrypt                                             

  More info       https://npmjs.com/advisories/1553                             

  Moderate        Inadequate Encryption Strength                                

  Package         bcrypt                                                        

  Patched in      >=5.0.0                                                       

  Dependency of   node-red                                                      

  Path            node-red > node-red-admin > bcrypt                            

  More info       https://npmjs.com/advisories/1553                             

  Moderate        Regular Expression Denial of Service                          

  Package         ws                                                            

  Patched in      >=5.2.3 <6.0.0 || >=6.2.2 <7.0.0 || >=7.4.6                   

  Dependency of   node-red                                                      

  Path            node-red > @node-red/editor-api > ws                          

  More info       https://npmjs.com/advisories/1748                             

  Moderate        Regular Expression Denial of Service                          

  Package         ws                                                            

  Patched in      >=5.2.3 <6.0.0 || >=6.2.2 <7.0.0 || >=7.4.6                   

  Dependency of   node-red                                                      

  Path            node-red > @node-red/nodes > ws                               

  More info       https://npmjs.com/advisories/1748                             

  Moderate        Regular expression denial of service                          

  Package         glob-parent                                                   

  Patched in      >=5.1.2                                                       

  Dependency of   node-red                                                      

  Path            node-red > @node-red/nodes > mqtt > help-me > glob-stream >   

  More info       https://npmjs.com/advisories/1751                             

  High            Denial of Service                                             

  Package         css-what                                                      

  Patched in      >=5.0.1                                                       

  Dependency of   node-red                                                      

  Path            node-red > @node-red/nodes > cheerio > css-select > css-what  

  More info       https://npmjs.com/advisories/1754                             

found 8 vulnerabilities (7 moderate, 1 high) in 359 scanned packages
  run `npm audit fix` to fix 1 of them.
  7 vulnerabilities require manual review. See the full report for details.
bash-5.0$ ^C
I3imbel commented 3 years ago

Installation failed here also. I have the exactly the same log.

dre2901 commented 2 years ago

Needed to update manually to version 0.0.2 on flows.nodered.org. Now install should work