dreadatour / Flake8Lint

Sublime Text plugin for lint Python files
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"noqa: N802" ignored #104

Open AstraLuma opened 7 years ago

AstraLuma commented 7 years ago

I have the method:

    def load_SPAM(self, data, sheet):  # noqa: N802

That's still producing:

flake8: N802 function name should be lowercase

Some quick googling shows that this should work, so I'm not sure what's up.

evsasse commented 7 years ago

Same here.

    def timerEvent(self, event):  # noqa: N802
kkurian commented 6 years ago

At first glance,

https://github.com/dreadatour/Flake8Lint/blob/0317db6ce4d766ce6c67731809e5253f71b7bcf7/Flake8Lint.py#L834-L839 invokes https://github.com/dreadatour/Flake8Lint/blob/0317db6ce4d766ce6c67731809e5253f71b7bcf7/Flake8Lint.py#L305-L320

Together they cause a line ending in '# noqa' to be skipped but without accommodation for in-line ignoring errors as specified in the flake8 documentation.

frankhouzz commented 6 years ago


Made a pull request to fix.