dreadatour / Flake8Lint

Sublime Text plugin for lint Python files
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__init__ for metaclasses #79

Closed csira closed 8 years ago

csira commented 8 years ago

N805 popping up for init methods in metaclasses, whose first argument is generally "cls".

screen shot 2015-10-06 at 7 15 18 am

Thanks for taking a look!

dreadatour commented 8 years ago

It seems there is a bug in pep8-naming and author did not want to fix it. See this Issue: https://github.com/PyCQA/pep8-naming/issues/3 in pep8-naming repository.

You could add this error (N805) to ignore list (I prefer this way) or add a "noqa" comment to this line (but this is not good practice).