dreadnought / python-daly-bms

Python module for Daly BMS devices
MIT License
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No values are displayed #22

Closed elflinko closed 2 years ago

elflinko commented 2 years ago

After installation on a Raspberry 3B, the first queries worked as expected. Now I get an empty json format without values. What else can I try? Why did it work for a short time? Output example: root@solaranzeige:/home/pi# daly-bms-cli -d /dev/ttyUSB0 --soc { "total_voltage": 0.0, "current": -3000.0, "soc_percent": 0.0 }


root@solaranzeige:/home/pi# daly-bms-cli -d /dev/ttyUSB0 --soc --verbose DEBUG [daly_bms.py:95] -- 94 ------------------------ DEBUG [daly_bms.py:65] w a5409408000000000000000081 DEBUG [daly_bms.py:114] 0 a5409408000000000000000081 13 DEBUG [daly_bms.py:95] -- 90 ------------------------ DEBUG [daly_bms.py:65] w a540900800000000000000007d DEBUG [daly_bms.py:114] 0 a540900800000000000000007d 13 { "total_voltage": 0.0, "current": -3000.0, "soc_percent": 0.0 }

dreadnought commented 2 years ago

Is maybe another process running that's also connected to the serial device? In that case one of them would get all responses from the BMS, no matter which one send the request.

elflinko commented 2 years ago

I have reinstalled a Raspberry with an image and nothing else is running. I have installed dalybms on the new OS and pyserial. The only strange thing is that it worked a few times at the beginning and since then not.

elflinko commented 2 years ago

Very interesting! I restarted the BMS via the mobile app -and it works as usual. THANK YOU for the support!

sudo daly-bms-cli -d /dev/ttyUSB0 --all { "soc": { "total_voltage": 26.2, "current": 0.0, "soc_percent": 90.0 }, "cell_voltage_range": { "highest_voltage": 3.282, "highest_cell": 7, "lowest_voltage": 3.281, "lowest_cell": 1 }, "temperature_range": { "highest_temperature": 8, "highest_sensor": 1, "lowest_temperature": 8, "lowest_sensor": 1 }, "mosfet_status": { "mode": "stationary", "charging_mosfet": true, "discharging_mosfet": true, "capacity_ah": 81.0 }, "status": { "cells": 8, "temperature_sensors": 1, "charger_running": false, "load_running": false, "states": { "DI1": false }, "cycles": 0 }, "cell_voltages": { "1": 3.281, "2": 3.282, "3": 3.281, "4": 3.282, "5": 3.281, "6": 3.282, "7": 3.282, "8": 3.281 }, "temperatures": { "1": 8 }, "balancing_status": { "error": "not implemented" }, "errors": [] }