dreadpon / godot_spatial_gardener

A Godot plugin for painting plants and props on arbitrary 3D surfaces implemented in GDScript
MIT License
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Use on Terrain3D #52

Open renzo-massaro opened 2 months ago

renzo-massaro commented 2 months ago

Godot version Specify a numerical Godot version you are using. Include Git commit hash if possible. Example: "4.2"

Plugin version Specify a numerical Spatial Gardener version you are using. Include Git commit hash if possible. Example: "last week version"

Issue description When using this on Terrain3D I only see white boxes with every lod I use. Do I use it on for example a CSGBox3d then the lod I use is normal. Do I miss some setting maybe for use on Terrain3D?

dreadpon commented 2 months ago

Should work with Terrain3D without much hassle. Make sure your LOD/kill/node size settings don't cause your plants to disappear.

I believe other people have been using it with Terrain3D and it works the same way as it does with other static bodies.

If problems persist, please provide specific reproduction steps and/or a minimum reproduction project.

renzo-massaro commented 2 months ago

I will try game

It works sort of but the white box i dont understand. Flowers are big now, but i see always the white box what I dont understand

renzo-massaro commented 2 months ago

figured it out, sort off.. When i was looking inside the white box there was a palm tree in it but i draw a flower. I deleted the Gardener I used and added a new one and now it is normal. Somehow there was something wrong inside the one I used :)

dreadpon commented 2 months ago

When you still had this problem, have you perhaps used this white cube before within this Gardener, say, as a placeholder?

There have been reports of meshes sometimes reverting to their previous states, which would explain where the cube came from (you used it before) and why it appears when drawing (a bug that was overriding your plants with this previously used cube).

See #44 for the bug mentioned.

renzo-massaro commented 2 months ago

You are right, that was the problem indeed. Now it is working, thanks.

Now only figure out how I can add a tscn file instead of a mesh..