dready92 / PHP-on-Couch

Data Access Library to access a CouchDB server with PHP.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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https / ssl connection #56

Closed zurnet closed 5 years ago

zurnet commented 10 years ago

Is it possible to connect to the couch db using https:// If I try http:// it works fine, but if I try https:// it does not?

ClemensSahs commented 10 years ago

Currently I don't test a connection over https

but for this couchdb must know a ssl certificate

I my mind this must work fine

nicolaisi commented 10 years ago

Yes it definitely will work. For example, Cloudant uses https.

zurnet commented 10 years ago

Have you tested this? if I have just http:// it works, but the moment i change it to: https:// I get this error:

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'InvalidArgumentException' with message 'no data to parse' in /lib/PHP-on-Couch/couch.php:140 Stack trace: #0 /lib/PHP-on-Couch/couchClient.php(156): couch::parseRawResponse(false, false) #1 ]/lib/PHP-on-Couch/couchClient.php(779): couchClient->_queryAndTest('GET', '/db_name/_de...', Array, Array, NULL) #2

ClemensSahs commented 10 years ago

can you give us a code snippet what your try correctly. And are your sure the CouchDb Server listen over SSL? Without the SSL configuration this can't work!

zurnet commented 10 years ago

My apologies... when I do a simple test outside of my code it seems to work, but within the framework I built, it throws an error... will have to do more digging.

ClemensSahs commented 10 years ago

ok, if your have more information about this error case please notify us.

nicolaisi commented 10 years ago

Basically, CouchDB supports https. Normally you will need to have a cert for this.

but I'm afraid this might not be build here in PHP-on-couch? It's nowhere to be found in the doc. I might be wrong on this, since I haven't try https connection using PHP-on-couch yet.

zurnet commented 10 years ago

I think I have it working, for future reference... if you're trying to do it on a localhost, you'll probably run into errors. Also, if you're using a cname record that connects to host serving up couchdb, it'll throw errors as well. Probably obvious, but frantically changing things and them not working, it's easy to overlook.

zurdog commented 9 years ago

There is a new issue that has come up, causing phponcouch not to work. I don't know if this is from an upgrade to couchdb (I believe so)

Array ( [scheme] => https [host] => yourUser.cloudant.com [user] => yourUser [pass] => yourPassword [port] => 80 ) does NOT get returned from one of my connections to cloudant using Moonshine—SoftLayer

All that gets returned from that section is: Array ( [port] => 80 )

Anyone else experiencing this, I have a database in use constantly that is down because I'm getting the same error posted earlier in this thread, relating to returning no data. I believe it is because cloudant isn't returning the scheme, host, user etc etc... just the port number.

nicolaisi commented 9 years ago

My setup is still running, haven't received any failed report yet. Can you check if this has nothing to do with your permission level?

zurdog commented 9 years ago

The only way I was able to fix it, was to create a new username on cloudant and replicate the data over. For some reason, the username I had when printing out the $client info gave me this:

[dsn_parsed:protected] => Array ( [port] => 80 )

When I should've been returned:

[dsn_parsed:protected] => Array ( [scheme] => https [host] => username.cloudant.com [user] => username [pass] => XXXXXXXXXXXXX [port] => 80 )

If you know of any reason why scheme, host, user, and pass are not returned, that would be helpful, but afaik it's up to couchdb/cloudant to return that other info, not just the port.

jrwashbu commented 8 years ago

@zurnet what did you do to get connect to cloudant db using https?

I'm running into the exact same issue as you stated in your March 14 2014 statement. If I run my php code from command line it works. But when I try to access the php via browser (php served up using apache via xampp) I get the Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'InvalidArgumentException' with message 'no data to parse'

Here's simple code example:

<?php require_once('./lib/couch.php'); require_once('./lib/couchClient.php'); require_once('./lib/couchDocument.php');

$client = new couchClient ('https://username>:<password>@<host:443','');

// Get all docs $all_docs = $client->getAllDocs(); echo "Database got ".$all_docs->total_rows." documents.
\n"; foreach ( $all_docs->rows as $row ) { echo "Document ".$row->id."
\n"; } ?>

So here's things working via the command line (password clipped for obvious reasons): image

And here's the error seen when accessing via browser: image

zurnet commented 8 years ago


The basics of it is you should run couchdb locally and access it via HTTP. On the web server, use HTTPS. Simply use an IF statement to understand if you're local or on the web.

    if(strpos($_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"], '.loc') == true){
        $client = new couchClient ('http://USER_NAME:PASS_WORD@','YOUR_DB_NAME');
    } else {
        $client = new couchClient ('https://USER_NAME:PASS_WORD@CLOUDANT_USER_NAME.cloudant.com','YOUR_DB_NAME');
8418128 commented 8 years ago

hello all! im getting the same issue "no data to parse" in laravel 5 and i dont know how to solve or what im doing bad.. require_once app_path().'\Couch\lib\couch.php'; require_once app_path().'\Couch\lib\couchClient.php'; require_once app_path().'\Couch\lib\couchDocument.php';

$client = new couchClient ('https://X:Y@X.cloudant.com:443','users');
$all_docs = $client->getAllDocs();
echo "Database got ".$all_docs->total_rows." documents.\n";
foreach ( $all_docs->rows as $row ) {
    echo "Document ".$row->id."\n";
zurnet commented 8 years ago
8418128 commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the awnser zurnet; I've created another account in different location, when i put the url in the browser it prints {"couchdb":"Welcome","version":"1.0.2","cloudant_build":"2530"} but the same exception "no data to parse" when i run the php code. If i run var_dump with the $raw_data before the exception it prints "boolean(false)", and if i var_dump the response calling the url by curl via php a get the same "boolean(false)".

zurnet commented 8 years ago

You've created a db, a view of some sort and added some records already yes?

8418128 commented 8 years ago



zurnet commented 8 years ago

Can you get it to run locally?

$client = new couchClient ('http://user_name:pass_word@','THE_DB_NAME');


Also, as far as I know cloudant runs without that port number,so for example:

$client = new couchClient ('https://user_name:pass_word@sub_domain.cloudant.com','the_db_name');

8418128 commented 8 years ago

sorry i didnt create the view but now yes, i remove the port from the url and get the same exception. image

and this is how i try to connect: $client = new couchClient ('https://socpa:asdargonnijao@socpa.cloudant.com','users');

i dont care about the credentials because this is for educational purposes so maybe you can help me more find out what happens.

i tried locally and it works fine.


zurnet commented 8 years ago

this works for me:

<?php require_once "inc/libs/PHP-on-Couch/couch.php"; require_once "inc/libs/PHP-on-Couch/couchClient.php"; require_once "inc/libs/PHP-on-Couch/couchDocument.php"; require_once "inc/libs/PHP-on-Couch/couchReplicator.php";


$client = new couchClient ('https://socpa:asdargonnijao@socpa.cloudant.com','users');

    $db_get_recs = '';
    $db_get_recs = $client;
    $db_get_recs = $db_get_recs->include_docs(FALSE);
    $db_get_recs = $db_get_recs->asArray();
    $db_get_recs = $db_get_recs->getView('default','new-view'); 



8418128 commented 8 years ago

Not for me... it means that is a problem with laravel :S have you got any idea?

zurnet commented 8 years ago

sorry do not know much about laravel

8418128 commented 8 years ago

okey, thanks a lot man!

8418128 commented 8 years ago

mmm im trying to get your code outside of laravel, in xampp but i get the same exception


zurnet commented 8 years ago

hmmm not too sure exactly... forgive me I'd have to think about it more.

david-bojnansky commented 5 years ago

Into .env file add:


You have to add both! I do use HTTPS but my cert is not trusted so when I added these options, everything works...

If you have not .env file then for fast fix add these options to CouchHttpAdapterCurl::buildRequest() method...

popojargo commented 5 years ago

.env files are not supported in this repository.

pimhakkert commented 3 years ago

Be sure to set verify_ssl_certificates = true and fail_if_no_peer_cert = false in the CouchDB local.ini if you are supplying a CAcert file. Not doing so resulted in issues with verifying the peer and that broke PHP on Couch for me.