dream-aim-deliver / metropolis

Dream Aim Deliver Metropolis
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Create stories for brand colors #7

Open maany opened 7 months ago

maany commented 7 months ago


Create components for brand colors using the color palette. Name the colors appropriately

Generate shades for the selected colors youtube


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Additional Information

maany commented 7 months ago

Resources for picking shades ( in case you find it helpful @piszczke

  1. https://m2.material.io/inline-tools/color/
  2. https://m3.material.io/styles/color/choosing-a-scheme
  3. https://zenoo.github.io/mui-theme-creator/#Alert
maany commented 7 months ago

@piszczke Some helpful tips on making the components accessible ( for tasks after the color palette) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1A6SrPwmGpg&ab_channel=WebDevSimplified

Also, I have, so far, mostly used React Hooks, but using @preact/signals might save us the painful passing of states from parent components to child components. Worth taking a look as well https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SO8lBVWF2Y8&ab_channel=WebDevSimplified

maany commented 7 months ago

Some resources on building Design Systems that inspired me a bit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dtd40cHQQlk&list=PLXDU_eVOJTx6vqOWJSWH87Zb5-riiG63A&index=12&ab_channel=Figma

piszczke commented 7 months ago

Color palate for metropolis

Set of colors for UI Palate is based on https://huemint.com/brand-3/#palette=0d286c-ffffff-ef6974-7489d0

:::info If not displayed correctly go to: https://hackmd.io/@piszczke/ryMPuyBVp :::

Brand color - Primary color

RGB:#3354a4 HSV(HSL)(218, 68%, 31%) 3354a4 98371e

Shade value in RGB value in HSL Sample
50 #e7eaf3 (218, 28%, 95%) e7eaf3
100 #c2cae3 (218, 26%, 82%) c2cae3
200 #9aa8d0 (218, 26%, 66%) 9aa8d0
300 #7387bd (218, 26%, 50%) 7387bd
400 #546db0 (218, 30%, 41%) 546db0
500 #3354a4 (218, 68%, 31%) 3354a4
600 #2c4c9a (218, 61%, 30%) 2c4c9a
700 #23428e (218, 57%, 28%) 23428e
800 #1b3982 (218, 54%, 25%) 1b3982
900 #0d286c (218, 78%, 24%) 0d286c

Secondary color

Shade value in RGB value in HSL Sample
50 #ffdab5 (30, 100%, 84%) ffdab5
100 #ffb79b (20, 100%, 78%) ffb79b
200 #ed9279 (17, 76%, 65%) ed9279
300 #cb6f53 (14, 59%, 49%) cb6f53
400 #b25338 (15, 59%, 40%) b25338
500 #98371e (18, 68%, 31%) 98371e
600 #8c2d19 (11, 68%, 27%) 8c2d19
700 #7b2011 (9, 75%, 23%) 7b2011
800 #6c0d0d (0, 70%, 21%) 6c0d0d
900 #5b0001 (359, 100%, 19%) 5b0001

Supporting colors


Shade value in RGB value in HSL Sample
50 #ecf9e6 (114, 63%, 92%) 000000
100 #d0efc1 (108, 47%, 83%) 000000
200 #b1e598 (101, 62%, 77%) 000000
300 #8fda6c (92, 60%, 63%) 000000
400 #72d148 (93, 60%, 49%) 000000
500 #53c91b (96, 79%, 31%) 000000
600 #42b912 (99, 81%, 27%) 000000
700 #24a402 (101, 98%, 14%) 000000
800 #009000 (120, 100%, 18%) 000000
900 #006e00 (117, 100%, 14%) 000000


Shade value in RGB Value in HSL Sample
50 #f6e6e8 (351, 25%, 92%) 000000
100 #e9c1c4 (358, 38%, 80%) 000000
200 #ca8886 (353, 40%, 65%) 000000
300 #b25c5a (4, 44%, 52%) 000000
400 #b33c37 (2, 53%, 42%) 000000
500 #af291d (4, 71%, 36%) 000000
600 #a3211c (5, 69%, 34%) 000000
700 #931918 (5, 70%, 29%) 000000
800 #861412 (6, 73%, 25%) 000000
900 #760c08 (7, 81%, 20%) 000000


Shade value in RGB Value in HSL Sample
50 #f9f5e0 (48, 70%, 93%) 000000
100 #f0e6b1 (48, 66%, 80%) 000000
200 #e6d580 (48, 59%, 69%) 000000
300 #dec74f (48, 65%, 58%) 000000
400 #d9ba2d (47, 70%, 50%) 000000
500 #d4af18 (46, 78%, 43%) 000000
600 #d4a30f (45, 81%, 40%) 000000
700 #d49206 (44, 92%, 38%) 000000
800 #d38300 (42, 100%, 35%) 000000
900 #d26700 (33, 100%, 33%) 000000

Info/ neutral

Shade value in RGB Value in HSL Sample
50 #e1f4fa (195, 80%, 90%) 000000
100 #b2e2f3 (196, 63%, 81%) 000000
200 #82ceeb (197, 69%, 72%) 000000
300 #56bbe3 (198, 71%, 63%) 000000
400 #39adde (198, 74%, 57%) 000000
500 #249fd9 (199, 77%, 52%) 000000
600 #1e92cb (201, 80%, 47%) 000000
700 #1780b8 (205, 82%, 42%) 000000
800 #156fa5 (208, 83%, 40%) 000000
900 #0c5083 (209, 87%, 30%) ffffff


Shade value in RGB Value in HSL Sample
50 #ffffff (0, 0%, 100%) 000000
100 #fafafa (0, 0%, 98%) 000000
200 #f5f5f5 (0, 0%, 96%) 000000
300 #f0f0f0 (0, 0%, 94%) 000000
400 #dedede (0, 0%, 87%) 000000
500 #c2c2c2 (0, 0%, 76%) 000000
600 #979797 (0, 0%, 59%) 000000
700 #818181 (0, 0%, 51%) 000000
800 #606060 (0, 0%, 38%) 000000
900 #3c3c3c (0, 0%, 24%) ffffff
piszczke commented 7 months ago

I'm not super convinced about it.. especially for Secondary color

maany commented 7 months ago

Noted! Thanks for the research into it Michal :)