dream-num / univer.ai

Documentation for Univer
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Feedback for “Sheet API” #189

Closed YUandJIANG closed 3 days ago

YUandJIANG commented 6 days ago

Get Range Data Get all cell values in the range

const range = activeSheet.getRange(0, 0, 2, 2); range.forEach((cell, row, column) => { console.log(cell.getValue()); });

There is a problem with this sample api cell.getValue() This method does not exist

You can get the value via column.v


const range = activeSheet.getRange(0, 0, 2, 2); range.forEach((cell, row, column) => { console.log(column.v); });

jikkai commented 6 days ago

Thank you for your feedback. We will confirm it later.