dreamRs / apexcharter

:bar_chart: R Htmlwidget for ApexCharts.js
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Synchronize Charts Example doesn't display both plots at the same time in Rstudio's plot panel. #74

Closed sfd99 closed 7 months ago

sfd99 commented 8 months ago

Hi Victor and Fanny!

Thanks f/ the Apexcharter PKG. Really great.

My problem:

When I try the FIRST example to Sync Charts in pg: https://dreamrs.github.io/apexcharter/articles/extra/sync-charts.html#synchronize-charts

I only see the charts as 2 different ( independent ) plots in Rstudio's plot panel. You have to use the Plot Panel <-- arrow keys --> to see each chart...

The tooltips work ok in each of the 2 plots.

But I can not visualize BOTH charts at the same time in the Rstudio Plot panel!. (so that I can actually see the wonderful "sync charts" feature of this EX....).

Help! Au secours!

sfd99 San Francisco latest R, Rstudio and apexcharter PKG version: 0.4.1

pvictor commented 8 months ago


You can use package {htmltools} for that :

data("economics", package = "ggplot2")

    data = tail(economics, 150), 
    mapping = aes(x = date, y = pce),
    type = "line", 
    synchronize = "economics",
    height = 350
  ) %>% 
      decimalsInFloat = 0,
      labels = list(
        formatter = format_num("~s"),
        minWidth = 40
    ) %>%
    ax_tooltip(x = list(format = "yyyy"))
    data = tail(economics, 150), 
    mapping = aes(x = date, y = psavert),
    type = "line", 
    synchronize = "economics",
    height = 350
  ) %>% 
      decimalsInFloat = 0,
      labels = list(
        formatter = format_num("~s"),
        minWidth = 40
    ) %>%
    ax_tooltip(x = list(format = "yyyy"))

Note that you have to set an explicit height to each charts.


sfd99 commented 8 months ago

Thanks Victor!. Works great.

Q: Any other pages, blog posts or articles with more R code examples of "Sync Charts" using apexcharter ?.

Thanks / Merci!.

sfd99 San Francisco latest R, Rstudio and apexcharter PKG version: 0.4.1