dreamRs / datamods

Shiny modules to import and manipulate data into an application or addin
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Use inputs from select_group in another table #72

Closed jessiereese closed 1 year ago

jessiereese commented 1 year ago

Hi Victor! Thank you so much for your work on the select_group functions! I would like to use the selected inputs to filter more than one table, and am wondering if this is possible using select_group.

I've found examples of using the input from one module as the input for a second module by including the inputs in the return from the first module's server function, and it looks like you've implemented something similar in filter_data_server(). Would this be possible to implement in select_group_server(), or is there another workaround you can think of that would allow me to re-use the inputs in another table?

Thank you!

pvictor commented 1 year ago

Hello @jessiereese ,

If you re-install package from GitHub you can access inputs values with attr(*, "inputs") on the module's output, check this example:


ui <- fluidPage(
  # theme = bslib::bs_theme(version = 5L),
      width = 10, offset = 1,
      tags$h3("Filter data with select group module"),
          id = "my-filters",
          params = list(
            list(inputId = "Manufacturer", label = "Manufacturer:"),
            list(inputId = "Type", label = "Type:"),
            list(inputId = "AirBags", label = "AirBags:"),
            list(inputId = "DriveTrain", label = "DriveTrain:")
        status = "primary"
      tags$b("Inputs values:"),

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  res_mod <- select_group_server(
    id = "my-filters",
    data = reactive(MASS::Cars93),
    vars = reactive(c("Manufacturer", "Type", "AirBags", "DriveTrain"))
  output$inputs <- renderPrint({
    attr(res_mod(), "inputs")

shinyApp(ui, server)


jessiereese commented 1 year ago

Hi Victor, Thank you so much! This solution worked beautifully! Cheers, Jessie