dreamRs / esquisse

RStudio add-in to make plots interactively with ggplot2
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added functionalities, facet, facet grid, xy limits, etc. #108

Closed xiangnandang closed 4 years ago

xiangnandang commented 4 years ago

Hi Victor @pvictor ,

Thank you for the very nicely developed package, and I've been using it for a couple of projects. I had submitted a similar pull request previously, but the pull request did not pass the build check, largely because I'm very new with R package development in general.

Here, I have cleaned up my code, making sure there was no warning/errors during build check on my local copy.

I'm adding the following functionalities:

  1. ncol and nrow arguments for facet_wrap, to allow customization of how many rows or columns in facet wrap displays
  2. facet_row and facet_col features to allow facet_grid call from ggplot2
  3. x and y limits of the plots

Please let me know if you need more information from me. I'm looking forward to incorporating these features to benefit more users, as well looking forward to developing more features/enhancements for this excellent package.

Best, Xiangnan (dang_xiangnan@lilly.com)

pvictor commented 4 years ago

Hello @xiangnandang ,

Sorry I didn't answer earlier (a lot of things to do and little time to do them), this is good work and neat additions to the package ! I'll take time this week to review it and merge it. I'll let you know if I see some change to make.


pvictor commented 4 years ago

Hello @xiangnandang,

I finally had time to review that PR, i've made some changes for x/y limits, and added you as contributor in DESCRIPTION with:

person("Xiangnan", "Dang", comment = "Facets rows and cols, X/Y limits", role = "ctb")

Is that good for you before I merge ?


xiangnandang commented 4 years ago

Hi @pvictor,

Thank you! I'm good with the changes.


pvictor commented 4 years ago

Perfect! Merged 🎉

picousse commented 4 years ago

Hi, Does this mean facetting in both directions should be possible? Best regards, pieter

xiangnandang commented 4 years ago

@picousse, yes facet_grid has been implemented, along with adjusting nrow for facet_wrap.

Cheers, Xiangnan

picousse commented 4 years ago

cool stuff! exactly what I needed.


xiangnandang commented 4 years ago

@picousse , sorry that i just realized in this original merge, I forgot to change the dragulaInput to surface the facet_row and facet_col, even though the other codes were already there. I just submitted #113 to fix this.