dreamRs / esquisse

RStudio add-in to make plots interactively with ggplot2
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replace all old font awesome icons #181

Closed lz100 closed 2 years ago

lz100 commented 2 years ago

Shiny 1.7 uses the latest font awesome icons v5.15. In this version, some old names are gone and need to be replaced. For example, gears needs to be cogs.

> icon("gears")
This Font Awesome icon ('gears') does not exist:
* if providing a custom `html_dependency` these `name` checks can 
  be deactivated with `verify_fa = FALSE`
> icon("cogs")
<i class="fa fa-cogs" role="presentation" aria-label="cogs icon"></i>

also for empty ones verify_fa = FALSE is needed

> icon("")
This Font Awesome icon ('') does not exist:
* if providing a custom `html_dependency` these `name` checks can 
  be deactivated with `verify_fa = FALSE`
> icon("", verify_fa = FALSE)
<i class="fa fa-" role="presentation" aria-label=" icon"></i>
pvictor commented 2 years ago

Hello, If you install development version all icons have been replaced by icons from phosphoricons package. If some Font Awesome icons remains, let me know.


lz100 commented 2 years ago

Still, I have seen some of these

> esquisse::esquisser()

Listening on
This Font Awesome icon ('close') does not exist:
* if providing a custom `html_dependency` these `name` checks can 
  be deactivated with `verify_fa = FALSE`
This Font Awesome icon ('gear') does not exist:
* if providing a custom `html_dependency` these `name` checks can 
  be deactivated with `verify_fa = FALSE`
The `name` provided ('cloud-download') is deprecated in Font Awesome 5:
* please consider using 'cloud-download-alt' or 'fas fa-cloud-download-alt' instead
* use the `verify_fa = FALSE` to deactivate these messages
The `name` provided ('cloud-download') is deprecated in Font Awesome 5:
* please consider using 'cloud-download-alt' or 'fas fa-cloud-download-alt' instead
* use the `verify_fa = FALSE` to deactivate these messages
This Font Awesome icon ('gear') does not exist:
* if providing a custom `html_dependency` these `name` checks can 
  be deactivated with `verify_fa = FALSE`
This Font Awesome icon ('clock-o') does not exist:
* if providing a custom `html_dependency` these `name` checks can 
  be deactivated with `verify_fa = FALSE`
pvictor commented 2 years ago

You also have to install development version of datamods.

lz100 commented 2 years ago

Thanks, no problem with the datamods dev version.